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Examples of Compound Single Substances

KOMPAS.comSingle substance or pure substance Some are elements and some are compounds. water is single substance compound. Why is water a single substance?

To find out the answer, here is example of a single substance compound!

Air (H2O)

Examples of single substances compound is water. Called a single substance because water is formed from water alone without the presence of other substances.

Reported from Thought Co, water is formed from hydrogen and oxygen atoms bonded covalently. The two elements cannot be separated through physical processes. Meanwhile, sea water is not a single substance because it has been mixed with other materials.

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Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide is an example of a single substance because it is a compound with fixed chemical proportions.

Under all conditions, carbon dioxide is still formed from one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms with the same chemical properties.

Table salt (NaCl)

Another example of a single substance that is a compound is table salt or sodium chloride.

Reported from Chemistry LibreTextstable salt is a single substance because it has a uniform and definite composition.

That is, all sodium chlorides are chemically identical (constant chemical properties). For example, it has the same boiling point, melting point, density, and color in every state.

Also read: Sodium Chloride Compounds: Definition, Formulas, and Examples

Methane (CH4)

Reporting from CK-12, methane is a single substance because it has the same composition in various conditions. Methane is a compound because it can be separated into the elements carbon and hydrogen.

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