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Don’t scratch, these are 6 benefits of earwax

KOMPAS.comearwax is a thick yellow substance with a sticky texture that coats the hole or channel.

It is made by the sebaceous glands and oil glands that are in the ear canal.

Existence earwax or referred to as serum This is sometimes considered disturbing one’s appearance, therefore it is usually cleaned in various ways.

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Some use cotton bud, special wax, wet cloth, and so on.

In fact, cerumen does not need to be cleaned often, because our bodies have a natural method to excrete it, although it takes time which is not instant.

Another reason, basically earwax is not dirt that must be removed. It is a substance produced by the ear for various good purposes.

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It is known, cerumen or earwax has many functions for our bodies. Anything?

1. Keep the ears clean

Launch Very Wealth Health (20/6/2020), the first function of cerumen or earwax is to keep the ear canal clean.

This is because it is able to trap various impurities, such as dust, dead skin cells, and so on so that they do not go deeper into our ears.

If it is attached to the cerumen, foreign objects will come out of the ear along with the discharge of earwax.

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2. Moisturizing the skin of the ear canal

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/tren/image/2022/01/16/190500965/jangan-dikorek-ini-6-manfaat-kotoran-telinga-?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">SHUTTERSTOCK One way to remove earwax without scratching is to drip baby oil into the ear canal.-

Serum It also functions to moisturize the skin in the ear canal, thus avoiding itching.

The skin of the ear canal is known to be quite sensitive and the presence of this cerumen becomes a natural protective layer produced by the body.

3. Being antibacterial and antifungal

Its presence can be antibacterial and antifungal for the ear canal.

The wax-like substance has acidic properties and contains special enzymes that function to protect the ear, especially the ear canal from bacteria and fungi.

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4. Prevents infection in the ear canal

Infection in the ear canal can occur when the ear canal is bumped and scratched during scraping, which can lead to swelling, pain and pus.

The presence of cerumen can certainly minimize the risk of collision.

Not surprisingly, those who have too little cerumen are said to be more prone to infection.

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5. Prevent insects from entering

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/tren/image/2022/01/16/190500965/jangan-dikorek-ini-6-manfaat-kotoran-telinga-?page=3" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">earwaxhttp://www.freeimageslive.co.uk/files/images009/ear_bud.jpg earwax-

Not because of its thick consistency, cerumen also functions to protect our ears from getting insects or other small animals in.

Citing the information on the page Hermina Mekarsari Hospital, this is caused by the smell or aroma of cerumen which is not liked by insects.

6. Protect the inner ear

Citing pages Queensland state health agency, Australia (1/4/2019), earwax and fine hairs in this canal work to keep foreign particles from entering the ear which can damage the deeper structures of the ear, such as the eardrum .

For this last function, cerumen can be said to act as a shield that protects the eardrum that is so sensitive from foreign objects that can damage it.

In conclusion, earwax or serum has a variety of benefits. To clean it, of course, you can’t just insert foreign objects.

This is because there are many health risks that can occur if the cleaning process is not carried out by experts.

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