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The order of the layers of the sun, from the outermost layer to the core

The order of the layers of the Sun is basically divided into two major groups, namely the outer and inner layers. The outermost layer consists of the corona, chromosphere, and photosphere. Meanwhile, the inner layer includes the core, radiative zone, and convection zone.

The Sun’s outermost layer begins about 1,300 miles above the photosphere. The temperature is approximately 900,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Meanwhile, the core is the innermost layer of the Sun.

This is the order of the layers of the sun

Just like the Earth or other celestial bodies, the Sun is also divided into several different layers. But the difference with Earth, the layer of the Sun is not dense. Because most are formed from helium, hydrogen, and do not have a clear outer boundary.

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Sun Corona

The order of the outermost layers of the Sun is the corona. The sun’s corona will be visible during a total solar eclipse.

Then the corona will appear as a lump of ionized gas that flows into space.

Launching the Space page, the corona temperature can reach 3.5 million degrees Fahrenheit. When the gases cool, they become the solar wind.

Although farther from the Sun’s core, the corona is 300 times hotter than the photosphere. It is still a long-term mystery of scientists.

Between the corona and the chromosphere there is a transition region which is a narrow layer (60 miles / 100 miles). In this area the temperature will rise suddenly. Ranging from 14,000 to 900,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Solar Chromosphere

The chromosphere is the next layer that emits a reddish glow when hydrogen burns. The red circle will be visible during a total solar eclipse.

Normally, the light coming from the chromosphere is too weak for us to see. The role of the chromosphere is to conduct heat from the inside of the Sun to the outer layer.

Junwei Zhao, a solar scientist at Stanford University in Stanford, California, in his study wrote that waves can contribute to atmospheric energy.

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Solar Photosphere

The next order of layers of the sun is the photosphere. This layer is the deepest layer that we can observe directly. To reach Earth, sunlight takes approximately 8 minutes.

At the bottom of the photosphere, temperatures reach 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Meanwhile, the temperature at the top is approximately 7,460 degrees Fahrenheit.

The photosphere is significantly colder than the core. according to NASA, the temperature reaches about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.

Then for the thickness of the Sun’s photosphere is relatively thinner, which is about 300 miles (500 kilometers). Comparison with the radius of the Sun is approximately 435,000 miles.

Signs of the photosphere include cooler sunspots, frothy grains of plasma, darker, and appear when the Sun’s magnetic field breaks through the surface.

Sunspots are seen moving through the disk. This phenomenon led astronomers to conclude that the Sun was rotating on its axis.

The reason is, the Sun is a ball of gas without a solid form. Then different areas will rotate at different speeds.

You need to know, the equator of the Sun rotates about 24 days. Meanwhile, in the polar regions it will take approximately 30 days to make one full rotation.

The source of the solar flare comes from the photosphere. Then the flames will stretch for hundreds of thousands of miles above the Sun’s surface.

This solar flare will create bursts of X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, electromagnetic radiation, and radio waves.

Solar Convective Zone

The next order of layers of the Sun is the convective zone which is the outermost layer of the Sun’s interior. Its low density is able to convert light energy into heat.

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Furthermore, the convection cell in the form of a giant bubble pattern is formed when energy rises, cools, falls, and heats up again.

Solar Radiation Zone

Gradually, the density, pressure and temperature in this zone decrease. In this sequence of layers of the Sun, energy has been transformed in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

Then the photons carry energy which turns into light. They move out towards the surface.

Sun Core

The order of the innermost layers of the Sun is the core layer. The origin of the Sun’s power, energy and heat is produced here. In other words, the core is the heart of the Sun.

The highest level of pressure and temperature is located in the core. In fact, the temperature reaches up to 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.

Atoms move fast and are squeezed tightly, until they are destroyed. However, the destroyed atoms will combine to form more complex and heavy atoms.

Nuclear fusion is the lifeblood of all stars. Formed from hydrogen fused to form helium. When atoms combine, they release energy. Finally it becomes light and heat.

This sequence of layers of the Sun in nuclear fusion continues to push beyond the surface. Then created gravity which is spectacular thanks to the enormous size of the Sun. (R10 / HR-Online / Editor-Ndu)

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