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The Right Dosage of Vitamin C for Children as a Health Supplement

Illustration of vitamin C, photo source: https://unsplash.com/

Vitamin C is one of the vitamins that is easily obtained from the type of fruit and vegetables or can also be obtained from some drinks. A person can experience health problems if there is a lack of vitamin C in the body. The following is the right dose of vitamin C for children as a health supplement.

Excerpted from the book Vitamin C and Periodontal Diseases from Scurvy to Periodontitis, Amaliya (2020: 113) definition Vitamin C or ascorbic acid or ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin. The chemical structure of vitamin C consists of 6 carbon groups which are synthesized from glucose in the liver organs of mammalian species, except in humans, primates, and guinea pigs because they do not have the last enzyme in the vitamin C synthesis process, namely the enzyme gulonolactok oxidase, so that if humans do not get vitamin C If there is sufficient C, a deficiency state can occur with various clinical manifestations.

Daily Needs of Vitamin C

Illustration of vitamin C, photo source: https://unsplash.com/

At each stage of human age, the need for vitamin C is also different, the following is the need for vitamin C from children to adults:

  • 7 – 12 months 50 mg/day

  • 9 – 13 years 45 mg/day

  • 14 – 18 years 75 mg/day

  • 19 years and above 90 mg/day

  • 14 – 18 years 65 mg/day

  • 19 years and above 75 mg/day

If you want to take vitamin C as a supplement health especially for children, the dosage must be considered, because if you consume too much vitamin C, especially in the form of drugs, it will also have side effects. The following is a dose of vitamin C as a health supplement.

If vitamin C is in tablet form

Children: 100 mg daily, in 3 divided doses.

Adults: 250 mg daily, in 4 divided doses

If vitamin C is in injectable form

Children aged 5 months – 1 year: 50 mg per day

Children aged 1-11 years: 100 mg per day

Children over 11 years: 200 mg per day

Such is the discussion of vitamin C dosage especially for children, hopefully this information is useful for all of us. (WWN)—- .

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