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The Weight of Being a Covid-19 Patient, Always Anticipate These 5 Things

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Currently, Indonesia is still at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic wave with the number of new infections still at 30,000 per day. Covid-19 attack humans from all aspects. In addition to health, there are also psychological, economic, and other aspects.


Konsultan fetomaternal dan dokter spesialis obstetri dan ginekologi, Purnawan Senoaji, membagikan lima hal yang tidak ingin Anda alami ketika terinfeksi Covid-19 beserta cara menghadapi dan mencegahnya.

Perburukan kondisi saat isolasi mandiri
Gejala yang paling membutuhkan bantuan segera adalah ketika kadar oksigen menurun di bawah 95 persen atau gejala sesak napas. Cara mengantisipasi:
-Saat terpapar Covid-19, berkonsultasilah dengan dokter terlebih dulu untuk memastikan apakah Anda layak isolasi mandiri atau tidak.
-Siapkan oximeter saat isoman. Alat ini sangat penting untuk melihat kadar saturasi oksigen sebagai patokan kapan harus ke rumah sakit.
-Selain oximeter, siapkan tabung oksigen untuk memberikan bantuan oksigen selagi mencari ketersediaan rumah sakit.
- Lakukan posisi proning untuk membantu pasokan oksigen.


Harus rawat di ICU akibat gejala berat
Perawatan ICU dengan pemakaian ventilator akibat gagal napas merupakan lini pertahanan terakhir perawatan Covid-19. Menurutnya, gejala berat gagal napas paling sering terjadi pada pasien dengan komorbid berat, seperti, diabetes, obesitas, hipertensi, penyakit kronis paru, dan sebagainya.

How to anticipate:
-Make sure the condition of comorbid disease is well controlled by taking medication and regularly consulting a doctor.
-Modify a healthy life, healthy nutritional intake, and regular exercise so that comorbidities are well controlled.
-Really practice strict health protocols.
– Get the Covid-19 vaccination because it is proven to help prevent severe symptoms in Covid-19 patients.

Spread to the closest family member
During self-isolation, clusters of family transmission often occur due to undisciplined health protocols at home. How to anticipate:
-Process discipline between those who are isoman and healthy family members.
-If possible, isolation is carried out in separate places, not only in different rooms.
– Families with comorbidities should be separated from family members who are isoman.
-Make sure all family members get high nutritional intake, immune vitamins, and exercise.

Excessive psychological stress
The burden of thoughts and excessive stress will worsen health conditions, both for patients and families. Mental stress can cause people to have difficulty sleeping, lose their appetite, feel anxious, angry, frustrated, sad, and even physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and so on.

How to anticipate:
– Sort positive information about the pandemic from social media.
-Do healthy living activities such as exercise, get enough sleep, eat healthy, and avoid smoking and alcohol.
-Open communication with other people.
-Don’t lose to the wrong stigma about Covid-19 patient.
-Do your favorite relaxing activity, like watching a movie or listening to music.
-Discuss with a psychologist or psychiatrist if the mental condition worsens.

Running out of money due to high hospital bills
This condition is a major concern because intensive care in the ICU can reach hundreds of millions of rupiah. “It must be known that Covid-19 treatment is funded by the government according to standards. So, the selection of special drugs and treatment for promotion will be borne personally or by insurance,” explained Purnawan through his Instagram page.

How to anticipate:
– If you are being treated in a private hospital, make sure you agree to the financing assisted by the Ministry of Health according to standards.
-If you want to get special facilities and treatment, immediately take care of personal insurance and choose the one that covers Covid-19.
-Covid-19 intensive care costs are very high, so don’t be afraid to use personal costs. Take state aid or have insurance right away.

Also read: Important Steps for Self-Isolating Patients to Recover Quickly

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