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How is Nonsurgical Pinched Nerve Treated?

TEMPO.CO, JakartaNerve pinched is a disorder that occurs when nerves receive too much pressure from bones, cartilage, muscles, or tendons. As a result, there is impaired nerve function that causes pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness in the back, neck, hands, elbows, or wrists. So how to treat it?


Menurut laman Cleveland Clinic, pengobatan saraf terjepit bisa dilakukan menggunakan metode non-bedah dan bedah, tergantung dari tingkat keparahannya. Pengobatan non-bedah bisa dengan melakukan cara:

Meningkatkan waktu istirahat, dalam banyak kasus, istirahat cukup mampu menyembuhkan saraf terjepit secara alami dalam kurun waktu beberapa hari atau minggu.


Mengompres dengan es maupun air hangat, Anda dapat mengompres area yang terasa sakit menggunakan air es maupun air hangat secara berulang untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri.

Using pain relievers, you can use over-the-counter acetaminophen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce symptoms of pain or aches.

Physical therapy, stretching and light exercise can help reduce pressure on nerves and help relieve minor pain. You can consult with a therapist to find a method or movement that suits the type of pinched nerve you are experiencing.

Meanwhile, medical treatment with surgery or surgery can be done when non-surgical treatment does not reduce pressure on the nerves, the methods are:

Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), the surgeon will remove discs or bone spurs that have compressed nerves from the spine, then stabilize the spine through fusion. In fusion, vertebrates join, eventually forming one solid bone.

Artificial disc replacement (ADR), the injured portion of the disc is removed from the spine and replaced with an artificial portion, such as a knee or hip.

Posterior cervical laminophorinotomy, the surgeon thins the lamina for better access to the damaged area, and removes bone spurs and tissue pressing on nerves.

In order to prevent nerve If you get stuck, you can follow the preventive advice given by Mayoclinic, in the form of doing the right position, both while crossing your legs and lying down, and not being in the same position for a long time. Regularly do strength and flexibility exercises, limit repetitive activities, get enough rest time, and maintain an ideal body weight.


Read: The Risks of Pinched Nerves Include Sexual Activity and Obesity

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