Home » today » News » [정치]Democratic Mayor of Busan candidate, Kim Young-chun confirmed…Will the gap with Park Hyeong-jun close?

[정치]Democratic Mayor of Busan candidate, Kim Young-chun confirmed…Will the gap with Park Hyeong-jun close?


In addition, former Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Kim Young-chun has been confirmed as a candidate for the Busan Mayor’s by-election by the Democratic Party.

Now, it seems that the key will be how much Kim can catch up with Candidate Hyeong-jun Park, the power of the people, who has always been ranked No. 1 in public opinion polls.

Reporter Kim Dae-geun reports.


[변재일 / 더불어민주당 선거관리위원장 : 김영춘 후보가 더불어민주당 부산시장 후보에 선출됐음을 선포합니다.]

In addition, there were no surprises in the Democratic Party’s Busan Mayoral Candidate.

Former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Kim Young-chun, who has always been number one among the preliminary candidates, has been confirmed as the final candidate.

Candidate Kim first bowed his head to the victims and the people and apologized to the victims and the public as this election was held as a sexual harassment incident by former Mayor Oh Geo-don.

[김영춘 / 더불어민주당 부산시장 후보 : 이번 보궐선거는 민주당 시장의 잘못으로 치러지게 됐습니다. 피해자 분과 시민 여러분께 다시 한번 사죄의 말씀을 드립니다.]

At the same time, he pledged to confirm the plan for the construction of a new airport on Gadeok Island, a key issue in the Busan mayoral election, as soon as possible.

[김영춘 / 더불어민주당 부산시장 후보 : 부산 출신 문재인 대통령의 임기가 1년 남았습니다. 그 안에 속전속결로 속도전을 해서 시간표를 확정해야 합니다. 그래서 되돌릴 수 없는 부산 발전의 이정표와 시간표를 확정해야 합니다.]

From the standpoint of Candidate Kim, it seems that the key will be how to close the gap with Candidate Park Hyeong-jun, the power of the people who has always shown an upper hand in public opinion polls.

The Democratic Party is actively promoting the new airport of Gadeokdo Island, a long-awaited project in the region, and the leadership has also visited Busan several times to empower them.

He emphasizes that core commitments such as the metropolitan transportation network to create a mega-city in Booul-gyeong can also be realized with the power of the giant ruling party.

The power of the people As candidate Park Hyung-joon was chief political officer during the Lee Myung-bak administration, the suspicion that he knew of illegal inspections under the NIS is also a point of attack.

On the other hand, it is important for Candidate Park to resolve these suspicions while at the same time attracting support from councilors in Daegu and Gyeongbuk who oppose the promotion of the new airport in Gadeok Island.

It is also a task to overcome the barriers of pro-i and paternal parents who are still from the pro-i family.

[박형준 / 국민의힘 부산시장 후보 (지난 4일) : 불법 사찰에 대해서 관여한 바도, 알지도 못합니다. 가덕도 공항이 잘 이행되도록 하기 위한 초당적 협력체를 제안한 바가 있습니다. TK나 호남까지도 생각하는 상생 발전안을 얼마든지 만들어 낼 수 있다고 생각하고….]

With the by-election, also called the preliminary election, coming for a month or so, the competition between the candidates began in earnest with the final vote of the opposition party in the Busan Mayoral Election.

YTN Kim Dae-geun[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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