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There were more employees of’Land Speculation’… “The 3rd New Town Total Survey”

The suspicion that former and current LH employees bought the land in the area planned for the new city in advance will inevitably increase the feelings of collapse and social anger among the people. According to the Ministry of Land’s own investigation, more employees are suspicious of land dumping. President Moon Jae-in personally ordered to investigate whether this happened in the entire 3rd new town.

First, reporter Jeong Seong-jin.


When allegations of speculation were raised, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and LH identified LH employees by checking copies of the registers of all parcels in the Gwangmyeong Siheung New Town.

In addition to the Siheung lot that was released by the Participation Solidarity and Minbyun, it was confirmed that the four Gwangmyeong lots were purchased by LH staff before the announcement of the new city.

As a result, 13 current employees and 2 former employees who are suspicious of land speculation have been relegated to all 13 positions.

There are 12 lots of land that are estimated to have been speculative.

[서성민 변호사/민변 민생경제위원회 : 과거부터 한국토지주택공사 임직원들의 유사한 행위가 잘못된 관행으로 많이 있었을 것이라고 강하게 추정되는 대목입니다.]

President Moon Jae-in ordered a thorough investigation not only on Siheung, Gwangmyeong, but also on the entire 3rd new towns, such as Goyang, Changneung, and Hanam Gyosan, where land compensation is currently in progress.

[강민석/청와대 대변인 : 한 점 의혹도 남지 않게 강도 높이 조사할 것. 위법 사항이 확인될 경우 수사 의뢰 등 엄중히 대응할 것입니다.]

However, even in a thorough investigation, it may be difficult to determine the land purchased under the name of a relative, etc. with the name of the person concealed.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced that it would prohibit land transactions for new residential land development by employees of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Construction, and local public corporations, and, if unavoidable, report them in advance.

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