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on Ftse and Eb, Spread down to 105 points

Just the name of Mario Draghi to make the financial markets turn positive. The prospect of a possible government led by the former president of the ECB moves the Ftse Mib up, which opens with + 2.5% in the wake of the excellent results of banking stocks. A flywheel powered by the Spread, which slows down its climb with the hypothesis “Draghi government”. The differential between the ten-year BTP and the German Bund touches levels close to 100. Banking stocks are doing well, Unicredit, Intesa Sanpaolo, Mps, Banco BPM are up (LIVE ON THE GOVERNMENT CRISIS AND THE CHOICE OF MARIO DRAGHI).

Because the markets celebrate


Draghi hypothesis, here are the possible ministers of the executive

Behind the euphoria of the markets is the story of the former governor of the Bank of Italy and his previous actions in the economic field, above all Quantitative Easing, the ECB’s plan to buy government bonds on the market that contributed to save the euro, as well as our country. “Whatever it takes“, all that is needed, analysts bet on this: a Mario Draghi who will do everything to save Italy.

His expertise in the sector and his knowledge of the dynamics of the state, combined with his profile highly appreciated in Europe, makes the idea of ​​a Draghi government very positive for an Italy in clear difficulty on the one hand in terms of economic recovery, from another on the consequences of the pandemic, with GDP plummeting in 2020: -8.9%.

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