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Covid, the other side of the pandemic: phobias, anxiety, depression. The psychiatrist: “Disastrous impact also on mental health centers”

TRENTO. Almost a year has passed since the day the identification of what (at the time) was believed to be the patient 1. Then came the lockdown, the terapie intensive e i hospital wards they started to fill up, and life started to slow down, for everyone. The summer gave us the illusion that the worse had passed, that the virulence of the epidemic had subsided. But today, ten months later, the fatigue of these uncertain times begins to be felt. For everyone.

In fact, it begins to take shape a hypothesis which, already last spring, had been advanced by much of the scientific community: l’epidemic of SarsCov-2 is leading to a general and generalized increase in mental disorders. “As many have pointed out – explains the Dr. Ermanno Arreghini, psychiatrist and psychotherapist – as the emergency continues, not only do you die of Covid pneumonia, but you also die of something else “.

“The first works on psychic consequences of the pandemic – continues – all give same feedback: beyond the suffering and of mortality gives direct damage of the virus, a real emergency as for the mental health of the population, primarily the one affected by the infection “.

If, in fact, until a few months ago, a general deterioration of psychological conditions was only easily conceivable, today this condition is supported by reliable data and numerous publications. Some studies, for example, have shown how, in the 15-90 days following the infection, i people affected by Covid-19 have a risk of developing a psychic disorder (considering all diagnoses) that goes 5 to 8% compared to those who did not get sick (risk of 2.5-3.4%) with a large one spread of anxiety disorders.

“This dictates a reflection on how i mental health services should impress one very strong deviation from their procedures and operating lines customary – comments the psychiatrist – making wide and innovative citizens available possibility of own treatment of anxiety disorders, from phobias (highly represented) panic attacks and generalized anxiety syndromes“.

Again, a group of researchers, inApril 2020, examined a US adult population sample paying attention to them state of mental health. Well, their studies have shown that the proportion of individuals with significant mental disorders it was almost of 14%, against the 4% for the same period of the previous year. The same percentage (13-14%) was then confirmed a few months later, in July 2020. “More than 60% of adultsi was in some form of psychological distress due to events related to the pandemic: financial and working problems, destruction of family balance linked to the children’s failure to attend school “.

“Other rumors – continues Arreghini – call attention to the probable risk of increased suicide which will impact the population at a later time, when ai direct inconvenience due to the pandemic will be associated i far more extensive and prolonged economic damage that many individuals and families, especially those less protected, will suffer, as happened with the great influenza virus pandemic between 1918 and 1920 “.

Some elements of risk, however, are visible right now: they are in isolation e in the resulting loneliness that have plagued many for nearly a year. “It should not be forgotten then – he adds – increased alcohol consumption and the manifestation of other maladaptive behaviors, primarily family violence “.

Therefore, the appeals to take into consideration this other side of the pandemic, the “psychic” one. “The capabilities of psychologically cope with limitations imposed by the pandemic have caused in many subjects acute anxiety responses, often amplified by the uncertain and approximate measures of governments and the ambiguity and lack of accuracy of the media “.

“It would therefore be a lot important implement immediately psychological support measures for first-line health personnel and for whom it is in isolation or quarantine, trying to partially prevent what must be considered as certain: it development of long-term psychological and psychiatric disorders, especially post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, that are only now starting to fully manifest. The appeal then extends to protective measures for the most fragile categories, hit most heavily by the pandemic not only on a strictly physical but also psychic level: homeless, disabled, psychiatric patients“.

Other studies have shown ldisastrous impact that the pandemic has had, and has, on psychiatric facilities of the Departments of Mental Health, whose wards have been closed or turned into Covid-19 wards. “The territorial structures – adds Arreghini – have often been closed O limited drastically leaving not only thousands of patients already under treatment unsupported and at the mercy of family situations with very high expressed emotionality, but also ininability to assist many new patients, suffering from severe forms of anxiety, depression or maladjustment directly resulting from the very serious discomfort produced by the public administrationndemia “.

“The authors of these studies – he continues – remind the Departments of Mental Health to equip themselves for this eventuality, assuming a real leadership in management of these psychosocial emergencies, acquiring new technologies, new expertise, new organization and care approaches to intervene in favor of large sections of the population heavily invested by this disaster: medical personnel, people in isolation, subjects who have suffered dramatic mourning e loss of references in an acute and unpredictable way “.

“The psychiatrists – concludes Dr. Ermanno Arreghini – should therefore consider yourself at the forefront, should take a proactive role and give themselves ‘the imperative to act’ wherever possible, integrating the ordinary activity to be performed with every technological and organizational means possible, giving support also and above all to those who have never had a psychiatric history of illness but it was hit by the consequences of the pandemic, dealing with full deployment of forces those that, until recently, came andrrrrrrnly and culpably considered minor pathologies with respect to the organization of the Mental Health Services “.

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