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8 slow processes will determine the outcome of the war, and in our country Borisov with the sense of an old dog will…

When the coffins leave Kiev for the NATO countries, anti-war demonstrations will begin there, the mathematician is categorical

Mathematician Professor Nikolay Vitanov gave brief information about the war for February 28, 2023.

“Sober judgment has come upon Bismarck’s thought that we must look at the national interest. The national interest in exactly two and a half words, I explained it to you: benefits for the people. So, we look at this war and always ask ourselves: What is the benefit to us from this?

Before I begin, let me address my little ones. As you know, I look after them and take care of them. You know they do a lot of work for me, at their own expense. You know that on the outside they’re goblins and on the inside they’re carp. They are poked, poked by the bare hooks, and that is why they crack and break.

No matter how much I tell them that I am experimenting with them to improve the effectiveness of my communication, they still don’t believe me. I’m trying different techniques. Interestingly, even the simplest works. You tell them to get off the hook, they do the exact opposite. Because you’re on the hook, you’re doing work for me, my little bastards.

Right, right, don’t listen to me tell you to get off the hook. Stay there. Just wondering how it all works. Now I’m practicing the F-tactic on the goblins. And that works beautifully. Let me formulate

Vitanov’s Law: No matter how dumb a hook is made, there will always be carp to catch on it.

And when they are caught, the croaking begins, the hook stings. How does the croak get louder –

Vitanov’s second law: Pay attention to the little dwarf – tell him that he is smart and beautiful and he will squeal even more because he thinks exactly the opposite – that you think he is ugly and stupid.

Uh-uh-uh-uh, my little bastards. You are an important part of my concept. I have promised my other readers that when I am done with political science, I will also tell them something about psychology. What is a good propagandist without solid knowledge of psychology. There, we will also touch on many aspects of the psychology of the Bulgarian carp and the Bulgarian goby.

Now for the war.

We follow the slow processes, and in sequence. Because it is the slow processes that will determine the outcome of the war.

Process 1: The systems of Ukraine and the supply of the Ukrainian army. There are no changes.

Ukraine is hooked on systems and inflows as much as implementing the strategy of the last Russian killing the last Ukrainian in a conventional war. It doesn’t flow anymore that a nuclear war will start.

Everything is well calculated from the point of view of American interests. Americans can count and will take theirs.

And the Russians will get theirs. What will we take? Nothing. I’m not the one who said we count as donors. Donora is squeezed out and beaten 5 times. Come on 6, let me go.

Prof. Vitanov gave the alarm: Coffins with dead Bulgarian soldiers left for Bulgaria early

Process 2: The logistics of the Russian army. Are the rockets finished – no. Did they run out of shells – no. Well then, things continue as before. That is, continued artillery superiority of the Russian army and concomitant heavy losses in manpower of the Ukrainian army.

Process 3: The numerical composition of the Ukrainian army. This process is not going well. Mobilization reserves in Ukraine are running out. We’re going to gather silices for a raid. After that? Mercenaries?

When the coffins leave for the NATO countries, anti-war demonstrations will begin there. I’m watching our little one. The important thing is that coffins with Bulgarian soldiers do not go this way. Well, whoever wants to volunteer, go.

Let’s say it in the vernacular, so that the little fools will cry: When you croak from the sofa for the victory of Ukraine – arslan, when you are handed a machine gun, to go support the Ukrainian army that is short on manpower – us…. Finish the sentence yourself.

But Vitanov, what are you going to write here? How what, well, asleep, was asleep. What can be done on the sofa. To sleep, one must rest after croaking. But there could be something else after us… Well, let me know what you’re thinking now, you little heroes with ulterior motives.

Process 4: Infrastructure status. Ukrainian infrastructure continues to go to hell. Russian is not affected. The Russian economy is successfully coping with all kinds of sanctions. The Ukrainian one – if the systems are stopped, it will crash immediately.

So the infusion of tens of billions must continue. How long? As long as there is cannon fodder for the front. There is no cannon fodder, no riots, there is no way to justify the tens of billions we are pouring into them. Ruined infrastructure, crappy economy. How do we compensate for this. Chemical weapon? Eh, what a topic, eh. There will be plenty to discuss.

Process 5: The overthreshold impact. And today there is none. We are watching the series “The Threshold”. The Russians are trying to take it down, the Americans are trying to keep it high enough, but not so high that Russia uses a nuclear weapon. To keep the threshold relatively high, Ukrainian soldiers are marched every day.

Let’s think pragmatically. If the threshold manages to hold until Ukraine wins the war – well, Russian influence in our country will weaken. This option is pretty amazing.

And what will we do if it doesn’t happen? A great seir will fall. And the elephant, our friend who has to keep the eastern flank in order, will come and say: “Make a government!“. And see what somersaults they will start.

Who won’t do somersaults? Your father Boyko. With the sense of an old dog, he had long sensed where things were going. So you’ll have to watch your dad Boyko sing “Hallelujah” in the middle of somersaults.

But, Vitanov, will there be a government? Vitanov said a long time ago – there will be a majority for a government, whether there will be a government, that is already a second question. You know the fable: “… And the cow said: Mu-u-u-u. The goats heard and picked up: Mee-e-e-e. And the doormat, because it had no right to hurt or be soft, started doing somersaults…” Interesting fable, huh?

Process 6: Substantial movements on the fronts. We are looking at Bakhmut – a bad job for the Ukrainian army. I wonder if they are really going to let themselves be boilerplate there? I’m chattering my teeth and can’t believe my ears. I can’t believe my eyes at all.

Up towards Svatovo and Kremena – somehow the movement is in the opposite direction of the autumn Ukrainian onslaught. But you are not surprised. I wrote to you a hundred times – we will evaluate the autumn Ukrainian offensives when we see how the Ukrainian army will cope with the new 30 Russian divisions, because in these offensives the reserves are leaving.

But the raiders were pursuing political goals, now the reserves are two meters underground and the movement is logically in the opposite direction. Pure logistics, which every officer of the American army headquarters knows.

Process 7: The ideological struggle. Things are quite calm in Russia, the situation at the front is favorable at the moment, there are no conditions for mass disturbances.

The problems are with the Ukrainians. We begin to prepare the ground for the fall of Bakhmut. The Americans said a long time ago – hey, Ukrainians, don’t feed the frogs at Bakhmut, withdraw. No, no. What happened now? Are there Leopard tanks at Bakhmut? What the Ukrainian command says. Vitanov’s F-system is working, the jurdes are screaming to the sky.

Process 8: Propaganda in us. The full grief continues. Che and mourning. There is no subtle national propaganda. The Ukrainian one is left to be. And she is a complete amateur.

The American one is left to be cast. But she has people who don’t even know where Ukraine is. The Bulgarian is much more knowledgeable because Ukraine is right under his nose.

Professional propaganda is not done like this, I have written to you thousands of times. The Bulgarian is not a piece of shit that you can fill him with pro-Ukrainian propaganda and say – he is already mine.

The Bulgarian is a jug with a hole – you pour it – it leaks. And you think that you have filled him with pro-Ukrainian propaganda, but he has nothing in the jug and he sits and watches your seira. Learn from the fathers of America. They grab the jugs of a certain part of the intelligentsia (yesterday I wrote to you about which part of the intelligence), plug the holes in these jugs and pour.

And here’s a full pot, reinforced along a certain ideological trajectory. Vitanov sits in an additional dimension of the corresponding phase space and says – hey, your jug ​​is full. And it registers what should be expected – the croaking jug works exactly as its filling. Well done to the Batkovites from America, registered Vitanov and continued on.

But enough of that for today.

Let me stop there for today. Political science and migration flows tomorrow. Did Vitanov predict 20 years ago that busloads of migrants would roll over your heads? Foretold. Do they roll? They roll. Then everything is fine.

Come with health, may you be successful and may viruses and war surround you,” Prof. Vitanov wrote on his personal Facebook profile.

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