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8 Sky Phenomena This Week: Two Peaks Of Meteor Showers

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Suarapakar.com – A series of space phenomena will occur in the second week of November 2021, including the peak of the Andromedid meteor shower and the North Taurid meteor.

The Center for Space Science Research (Pussainsa-LAPAN) explained that some of these space phenomena can be seen in the Indonesian sky without the help of sensing. The following is the phenomenon as quoted from CNNIndonesia, Monday (8/11/2021):

1. Occultation of Venus by the Moon

Occultation of Venus is an astronomical phenomenon when Venus is blocked by the Moon. This is due to the configuration of Venus, the Moon and Earth which form a straight line so that Venus is blocked by the Moon.

Peak the phenomenon of occult Venus this time it will be on November 8, 2021 at 12.21 WIB / 13.21 WITA / 14.21 WIT. The phenomenon can only be seen in Japan, North Korea, South Korea, parts of China and parts of Russia.

Indonesia last experienced the occultation of Venus in 2015 and 2017, and will experience it again on May 27, 2022 and September 14, 2026. In addition, this phenomenon can only be witnessed through a tool. Because this phenomenon occurs during the day.

2. Moon-Venus Conjunction

The peak of the Moon-Venus conjunction phenomenon will occur on November 8, 2021 at 12.21 WIB / 13.21 WITA / 14.21 WIT with a minimum separation angle of 1.1 degrees.

Thus the phenomenon can be witnessed from the beginning of nautical twilight or 25 minutes after sunset, from the west-southwest direction near the constellation Sagittarius, with a separation angle of 2.7 degrees to 4.1 degrees for 3 hours.

The brightness of Venus is 4.63 while the Moon is in the Early Crescent phase with an illumination of 17.4 percent to 18.4 percent.

Also read: Tonight’s Sky Phenomenon: The Southern Taurid Meteor Shower

3. Peak Andromedid Meteor Shower

Andromedid is a meteor shower whose radian point is near the constellation Andromeda and is sourced from the dust remnants of comet 3D/Biela.

Andromedid is active from September 25 to December 6 2021, with its maximum intensity occurring on November 9 at 08.45 WITA / 09.45 WITA / 10.45 WIT. It can be from the beginning of nautical twilight to the start of astronomical dawn or 75 minutes before sunrise, the next day from the northeast to the northwest.

The maximum altitude of the Andromedid radian point in Indonesia is between 42 degrees to 59 degrees. So the maximum intensity is only 2 meteor per hour.

However, Andromedid will be slightly disturbed by the intensity of the light of the early cosmos from the early twilight until 22.30 local time.

To witness the phenomenon of the Andromedid meteor peak firsthand, make sure the field of view is free from obstructions, light pollution and
clouds while observing this meteor shower. LAPAN said it was not necessary to use any tools to witness this phenomenon.

4. Conjunction of the Moon-Venus-Jupiter-Saturn Quartet

This phenomenon is also known as the Moon-Venus-Jupiter-Saturn Quartet Conjunction. This phenomenon can be witnessed since the beginning of twilight for 3 hours from the south extending to the west-southwest.

The four heavenly bodies all set after midnight. Jupiter’s magnitude is 2.41, while Venus’s and Saturn’s are 4.64 and 0.66, respectively. The moon is in the early crescent phase with an illuminance between 27.3 percent -28.9 percent.

The moon and Venus are located near the constellation Sagittarius, while Jupiter and Saturn are located near the constellation Capricorn. The next day, the Moon leaves Venus and is in triple conjunction with Jupiter and Saturn for three days.

5. Moon-Jupiter-Saturn Triple Conjunction

This phenomenon lasts for three days from November 10 to 12, 2021, and can be seen from the beginning of twilight from the south until 23.00 local time from the West-Southwest direction. Jupiter’s magnitude varies from 2.61 to 2.59, while Saturn’s magnitude is constant at 0.67.

The moon is in the early crescent phase to the Large Early Moon Bump with an illumination of 38.2 percent to 61.5 percent. At first, the Moon is in the constellation Capricorn together with Jupiter and Saturn for two days.

6. Mercury-Mars conjunction

The peak of the Mercury-Mars conjunction will occur on November 10, 2021 at 19.57.25 WIB / 20.57.25 WITA / 21.57.25 WIT with a separation angle of 0.97 degrees and is located near the constellation Virgo.

Mars and Mercury have risen in the east-southeast direction since mid-dawn or 35 minutes before sunrise, and are on the low horizon, 25 minutes before sunrise.

That way Mercury and Mars are quite difficult to see with or without tools. This phenomenon will occur again on October 29, 2023 and October 20, 2025.

7. Early New Moon Phase

The early neem phase is one of the phases of the Moon when the configuration between the Sun, Earth and Moon forms a right angle and occurs
before the full moon phase. The peak of the early new phase occurred at 19.46.01 WIT / 20.46.01 WITA / 21.46.01 WIT.

This early new moon can be seen since it rises at noon from the East-Southeast, transits in the South direction after sunset and then sets in the West-Southwest direction after midnight.

The moon was then 379,201 from Earth, at the peak of its early nemesis phase and was in the vicinity of the constellation Capricorn.

8. North Taurid Meteor Shower Peak

The Northern Taurid Meteor Shower is a meteor shower whose point of origin is in the northern constellation Taurus near the Pleiades cluster.

This meteor shower is active from September 25 to November 25, with the maximum intensity occurring on November 13 at 07.25 WIB / 08.25 WITA / 09.25 WIT.

The North Taurid Meteor Shower comes from the dust remnants of the asteroid 2004 TG10 which orbits the Sun, with a period of 3.3 years like Comet Encke which is the parent object of the South Taurid meteor shower.

The separation of the Taurid meteor shower into North and South Taurids is due to perturbation or changes in gravitational interactions, especially on the planet Jupiter.

The North Taurid Meteor Shower can be seen since 18.30 local time the previous night (12 November) from the east-northeast direction
until 04.30 local time the next morning (November 13) from the west-northwest.

The intensity of this meteor shower ranges from 3-4 meteors per hour for the territory of Indonesia, this is because the height of the radian point during transit varies between 57 degrees to 74 degrees. Make sure the field of view is free from obstructions, light pollution and clouds when observing this meteor shower.

But to watch it, you don’t need to use any tools unless you want to record. To record the phenomenon of the Taurid metror rain, you can use an all-sky camera with a 360-degree field of view, which is directed to the zenith.

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