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7 Unique Facts about Lionfish, a Beautiful Poisonous Fish that Turns into Pests

JAKARTA Lionfish (lion fish) is very popular for its beautiful shape and color. But, who would have thought this fish kept a lot of secrets.

Lionfish are found in various regions of the world. Including Indonesian waters. Local people call Lionfish as chicken lepu fish because its fins resemble chicken feathers. The world community knows him as Firefish, Ornate butterfly, to Scorpion Fi. Well, here are some unique facts about Lionfish:

1. Toxic Fin

Lionfish have 18 dorsal fins (belly fins) that are connected to two venom glands in the spine. It turns out that behind the beauty of the fins, it contains poison. This venomous fin is used as a self-defense mechanism rather than to find prey. These fins inject venom into the victim.

2. Can Be Fatal
Lionfish fin poison to humans can be fatal. Because it causes great pain. Starting from nausea to difficulty breathing. The impact on human health is that the poison contained in Lionfish spines causes cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and cytolytic effects with various reactions such as swelling with severe pain and even paralysis. The toxin in lionfish contains the toxin acetylcholine and a neurotoxin that affects neuromuscular transmission.

3. Very Productive
Lionfish reach adulthood to be able to reproduce in just under a year. So, these fish are very fast breeding. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), adult female lionfish are capable of laying 10,000 – 50,000 eggs every three or four days throughout the year. That is, a Lionfish can lay 2 million eggs per year.

4. Have No Enemies

7 Unique Facts about Lionfish, a Beautiful Poisonous Fish that Turns into Pests
In Atlantic waters, Lionfish have no natural predators. Many carnivorous fish don’t know that Lionfish can be eaten. So, the fish can swim freely without fear of being hunted. Only a few types of grouper, eels, to sharks that prey on Lion Fish.

5. Be a Pest
Because it has no natural predators and can breed very quickly, the presence of Lionfish can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem. Especially, if they were invading a new place. This lionfish has a character that does not discriminate against who their food is. As a result, an excessive population of Lionfish in a place can damage the ecosystem of that place. Lionfish can cause a decrease in the population of a fish species by means of predation. Thus reducing biodiversity in a habitat and even causing the extinction of a species. So Lionfish are often considered pests and need to be caught.

6. Driven to be Edible

7 Unique Facts about Lionfish, a Beautiful Poisonous Fish that Turns into Pests
Researchers encourage lionfish hunting in a number of areas. Including, inviting people to consume Lionfish. Indeed, many are reluctant because the fish is poisonous. In fact, if the fins are cleaned, the Lionfish is safe to eat. Moreover, the content of Omega 3 is very high. Also, it’s delicious as sushi or sashimi.

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7. Kept in the Aquarium

7 Unique Facts about Lionfish, a Beautiful Poisonous Fish that Turns into Pests
Fish hobbyists have kept Lionfish for a long time because of their beauty. It is also thought to help control the Lionfish’s very fast breeding rate.


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