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7 Health Benefits of Tomatoes: From Heart Health to Prostate Cancer Prevention

Jakarta – You are certainly familiar with tomatoes. This fruit with a sweet and sour taste is often used as an ingredient in cooking or eaten raw as it is.

But not only do they add flavor to food, tomatoes actually offer health benefits that affect the body’s systems.

So what are the benefits we can get from tomatoes, here is the discussion as quoted from VerywellhealthFriday (8/9/2023).

1. Tomatoes are low in calories and full of essential nutrients

One medium-sized raw tomato contains about 22 calories and less than one gram of fat. Naturally low in sodium and low glycemic, with only 6 milligrams (mg) of sodium and 3 grams (g) of sugar.

One raw tomato also contains about half a cup of water, making it an excellent food for hydration.

Certain antioxidants, such as lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, are more available for the body to absorb when tomatoes are cooked.

Antioxidants can help fight free radicals, unstable molecules that damage body cells and can cause cancer.

Tomatoes also contain several important vitamins and minerals that support body systems, including the immune system, bones, and blood.

While small amounts of fluoride, folate, vitamin A, vitamin K, and beta-carotene can be found in raw tomatoes.

2. Supports heart health

Registered dietitian Angela Houlie says a person can get a healthy portion of potassium from tomatoes. One medium-sized tomato contains the same amount of potassium as a banana.

Potassium and sodium are both important ingredients for the heart to contract and expand, and potassium is very important for relaxing blood vessels.

3. Supports recovery after exercise

Tomatoes contain several electrolytes, which are important for basic cell function. The potassium, sodium, magnesium and fluoride in tomatoes can help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue after exercise.

The water content in tomatoes also adds extra hydration. Meanwhile, this fruit is also anti-inflammatory because it contains vitamin C, so it can also help support recovery.

4. Protects against dementia

A recent study found that people who consumed more potassium and less sodium had better cognitive function.

Another study also found people who had higher blood levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are found in cooked tomatoes, had lower rates of dementia.

5. Prevent prostate cancer

Cooked tomatoes help prevent prostate cancer. Although cooking tomatoes may reduce the vitamin C content, it increases the availability of several important antioxidants that may protect against cancer growth.

“Especially for men, lycopene is very beneficial for helping reduce prostate-related problems,” says Houlie.

Several studies have found that men who consume tomatoes, including raw ones, have a lower risk of prostate cancer due to the total amount of lycopene absorbed.

6. Balance blood sugar

Tomatoes can also help regulate blood sugar in diabetes sufferers. The fiber content helps regulate blood sugar and bowel movements. This fruit is also low glycemic so it can be a good snack to avoid spikes and drops in blood sugar.

“Fiber naturally slows digestion, so it will keep you full longer. And it won’t have a negative impact on your blood sugar levels, which is something we want in the case of diabetes,” adds Houlie.

7. Good for the growth of healthy skin, hair and nails

Tomatoes also contain chlorogenic acid, a compound that can help encourage collagen production.

Vitamins C and A found in raw tomatoes can help brighten the appearance of skin, hair and nails.

To get the benefits, you can eat it as a snack or salad. Eating whole foods is the best way to absorb essential nutrients.

Source: Kompas.com

2023-09-10 10:32:28
#Benefits #Consuming #Tomatoes #Body #Health #North #Maluku #News

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