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7 characteristics of hypersexual people, causes, risks and how to overcome it

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia

The characteristics of hypersexual people who are popular in society may be limited to people who cannot control their lust and sexual activity. Indeed, there are many characteristics of hypersexuality that need to be known.

Because, hypersex not just a trend, however psychiatric disorders which could be harmful to the patient and to others.

Launch page Very good MindHypersexual or hypersexual disorder is compulsive sexual behavior disorder or is performed repeatedly and consistently, although it is considered to be enjoyable but also disturbing.

In the simplest terms, hypersexuality is sex addiction. Someone who is hypersexual has an obsession with sex, sexual acts, sexual fantasies.

This hypersexuality is different from a high libido. This difference lies in how they vent their sexual desires.

People with hypersexual conditions tend to force their desires just to satisfy their personal sexual appetite.

Meanwhile, people with high libidos can still regulate their sexual desires. If not channeled, people with high libidos may still be urged to communicate and engage in other activities to divert their energy.

This causes hypersexual people to tend to exhibit problematic sexual behavior or deviant sex, such as consuming excessive pornography.

Thus, excessive masturbation and excessive sexual activity with partners and non-partners.

Ironically, hypersexuality is still little recognized as a mental disorder, so many survivors experience this disorder without a formal diagnosis. Several studies have shown that hypersexual disorder occurs in 3-6% of people worldwide, with the majority being men.

Hypersexual characteristics

Illustration. Characteristics of hypersexual people (Photo: iStock/CandyRetriever)

Here are some of the characteristics of hypersexual people that are common. However, each individual can actually exhibit different characteristics.

Some of these may have one important feature, while others are not that important, but have more than one feature.

  1. Have compulsive or difficult sexual behavior
  2. Addiction to pornographic content
  3. Inability to control sexual urges or arousal
  4. Having recurring and uncontrollable sexual fantasies
  5. Engaging in sexual behavior and activity with many people, whether partners or not
  6. It’s hard to build and maintain romantic relationships with other people because you’re too busy with sex
  7. Excessive masturbation after viewing pornography, fantasizing about sex, and using sexual aids

Causes of hypersexuality

Numerous studies show some of the causes of hypersexuality as follows.

  1. Epilepsy or disturbances in the activity of nerve cells in the brain due to genetic diseases or brain injuries such as trauma and stroke
  2. Chemical imbalance in the brain
  3. Effect of excess drug content such as dopamine
  4. Effect of excess alcohol on the body
  5. Family history of mental health
  6. Sexual abuse trauma
  7. Attention deficit disorder (ADHD) making it difficult to concentrate, hyperactive and impulsive

Hypersexual risk

Hypersexuality disorder clearly has its own set of risks for sufferers. Here are some of the risks.

  1. Lack of trust due to sinking feelings of guilt and shame
  2. Risk of contracting an infection or infectious disease
  3. The risk of addiction to drugs and alcohol
  4. sexual offences
  5. Other mental health disorders, such as depression or anxiety
  6. Financial problems
  7. Problems in romantic relationships, as well as with family members and work colleagues
  8. Risk of suicide

How to overcome hypersexuality

Here’s how to deal with a hypersexual partner or a person with hypersexual disorder.

1. Recognize distractions

Hypersexual people usually feel guilty and ashamed about the disorder they are experiencing. For this, try to pay attention and understanding so that you want to be aware of these disturbances in the sufferer.

2. Design a coping strategy

Next, try to design a treatment strategy, such as visiting a psychologist for a consultation. If necessary, other medical treatments may also be included in the treatment plan.

3. Discipline the treatment plan

Stick to the treatment plan even if it is difficult or shows minimal self-improvement. Do not stop the treatment when you feel a little better so that the disorder does not come back, rather it gets worse.

4. Join the community

Joining a community of fellow fighters who want to get rid of hypersexual disorders can also add zest to recovery and build confidence that you’re battling it out on your own.

5. Stay away from trigger situations

As much as possible, stay away from situations that can trigger this hypersexual disorder, such as activities or situations that cause trauma, pornographic content, and more.

This is information about the characteristics of hypersexual people, their causes, risks and how to overcome them. Hope this helps.


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