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“7 Best Diets to Prevent Kidney Stone Formation According to Urologist”

KOMPAS.com – Formation kidney stones can be caused by many factors, ranging from side effects of drugs, genetic disorders to certain medical conditions.

But the good news is diet which we apply everyday can help prevent kidney stones.

According to urologist Smita De, MD, PhD from Cleveland Clinic, the best diet for preventing kidney stones can vary for each individual.

The reason is that everyone may have a different risk of forming stones in the kidneys.

But in general, some of the following diets have been proven to prevent kidney stone formation recurrence in patients who previously had the disease.

Also read: Drinking Coffee, Really Lowers the Risk of Kidney Stones?

The ideal diet to prevent kidney stones


Illustration of healthy eating habits.

In general, apply healthy lifestyle can play an important role in preventing disease kidney stones. But a healthy lifestyle alone is not enough.

There are several recommendations best diets to prevent this disease.

Launching the Cleveland Clinic page, here are some dietary recommendations that can be applied to prevent this disease.

1. Consumption of foods high in calcium

Calcium can support the growth of strong bones and muscles, but it can also help prevent kidney stones.

However, when meeting his calcium needs, doctor De suggested limiting intake of large amounts of calcium supplements.

It would be better if we meet calcium from whole foods, unless the doctor advises us to take calcium supplements.

2. Drink more water

When urine is concentrated, the waste products in the liquid can crystallize. Well, the best way to prevent the formation of these crystals is to drink lots of water.

Make sure we meet the body’s fluid needs of 2.5 liters of water a day. Because plain water is the healthiest liquid choice compared to other types of drinks such as coffee, tea or fizzy drinks.

3. Reduce salt intake

Excessive salt levels in the body can increase the risk of stone formation in the kidneys.

Therefore, limit your intake of high foods garam in daily life. At least limit salt consumption to around 1,500 to 2,000 mg per day.

Then make sure not only the salt is measured, but also other salty foods that may contain hidden salt.

Look again at the nutritional information table on the back of the packaging for foods such as cheese, sauce, bread or other snacks that some of these foods unwittingly include have high sodium levels.

Also read: What Forms Kidney Stones?

Doc. The Kitchen/ Joe Lingeman

Illustration of iced lemon or lemonade.

4. Consumption of lemon juice and water

Lemon or lime juice can act as kryptonite which can dissolve some types of kidney stones.

Fruits that are high in vitamin C also contain citrate which can neutralize acid in the urine and stop the formation of calcium stones in the body kidney.

For that, we can put lemon or lime into the water whenever we have time to consume it.

5. Consume healthy food

Your doctor may recommend more dietary changes for certain types of kidney stones.

If the urine contains high oxalate, doctors usually recommend avoiding high-oxalate foods, such as spinach.

Oxalates are usually found in foods that are considered healthy, but not for the kidneys and people at risk.

Foods that are high in oxalate besides spinach are various green vegetables, certain nuts or seeds.

6. Consult a doctor about the need supplement

Some supplements are often considered to be efficacious in preventing or treating kidney stones.

However, so that consumption is safe, it is better to first consult the relevant doctor so that its use does not pose any other risks.

Discuss with your doctor before buying certain supplements so that the effect does not cause kidney stone formation.

7. Limit consumption of meat

If we ever have kidney stoneslimiting meat in your daily diet can help.

Because animal protein can cause an increase in the amount of acid in the urine.

This high acid level can encourage the process of crystallization in the urine and can turn into stones.

Consumption of meat that needs to be limited if you really have a risk of forming kidney stones includes fish, chicken, pork and several other types of red meat.

Also read: 5 Superfoods for Kidney Patients, Both Consumed Every Day

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2023-04-26 06:23:00
#Diets #Prevent #Kidney #Stone #Formation #Kompas.com

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