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7.2 Earthquake off Hualien Coast: Tsunami Warning Issued, Aftershocks Expected

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 occurred off the coast of Hualien this morning, with the maximum intensity reaching 6. The Earthquake Forecasting and Forecasting Center of the Meteorological Administration stated that this was the first earthquake in Taiwan to reach 6.0 after the seismic intensity reform, and there may still be aftershocks in the future. The Meteorological Administration also issued a tsunami warning. The earthquake may trigger a tsunami that will affect Taiwan. The tsunami warning is hereby issued to remind people in coastal areas to be vigilant and take strict precautions and pay attention to the dangers caused by sudden surges in waves.

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Extended Reading》Hualien 7.2 Earthquake Comprehensive Summary of Disaster Situation in Taiwan[Continuously Updated]

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As for the national-level warning issued by the Meteorological Administration, it was not within the scope of sending it to Shuangbei. The Meteorological Administration explained that the actual earthquake intensity in six places including Taoyuan City, New Taipei City, Taipei City, Keelung City, Kaohsiung Taoyuan, and Pingtung Jiuru reached magnitude 4 or above, but However, no national-level warning was issued, mainly because the estimated earthquake intensity was low, so the warning range was not covered.

The Earthquake Forecasting Center of the Meteorological Administration stated that as of 12 noon, 58 aftershocks had occurred, including 2 with magnitudes above 6.5, respectively, with magnitude 6.5 at 8:11 am and magnitude 6.2 at 10:14 am.

Meteorological Administration press conference explains that no national warning has been issued

According to the latest information from the Central Meteorological Administration, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake occurred at 7:58 this morning 25 kilometers south-southeast of the Hualien County Government, with a depth of 15.5 kilometers. The maximum magnitude reached 6 in Hualien County and 5 in Taipei City. Weak level.

The Meteorological Administration held a press conference at 8:40, with director Wu Jianfu explaining. Wu Jianfu said that this location is quite close to the land, and it is an extremely shallow earthquake, so it will be felt throughout Taiwan. Taipei will feel it more clearly due to the basin effect and high floors.

Meteorological Administration 08:40 press conference audio and video

Wu Jianfu explained that the epicenter of the earthquake was the subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate, which is also an area prone to earthquakes. It is currently judged that this earthquake should be the main shock. Due to the rapid energy accumulation in this area, there may be a scale of more than 6.5 to 7.0 in the next three or four days. aftershocks.

Wu Jianfu said that there are about 2 to 4 earthquakes of magnitude 6 to 7 in Taiwan a year. Since there are very few earthquakes of magnitude 7 and above, there are no special statistics. However, this earthquake was the largest 25 years after the 921 earthquake. It was a magnitude 7.3. At that time, the maximum earthquake magnitude was Nantou Yuchi magnitude 7 according to the old system. The magnitude of today’s earthquake may be adjusted later, but currently it seems that the intensity is similar to the 921 earthquake.

Wu Jianfu said that the new earthquake intensity system was changed in 109. The previous earthquake with intensity 6 was in 2018 in Taitung Chishang 918 earthquake. This is the second time it has reached intensity 6.

Wu Jianfu further stated at the 10 o’clock press conference that two national alerts were issued at 7:58:18 and 24 seconds this morning. Among them, the areas where the actual earthquake intensity reached magnitude 4 or above, but the estimated earthquake intensity did not reach magnitude 4 and was not released are Taoyuan City, New Taipei City, Taipei City, Keelung City, Taoyuan, Kaohsiung, and Jiuru, Pingtung.

Wu Jianfu explained that the main reporting channels for strong earthquake immediate warnings (PWS, school notifications, and TV broadcasts) are released to the outside world. The PWS warning threshold is a seismic intensity of 4 or above. In some areas, the estimated earthquake intensity is only 3, so the warning range is not covered.

In addition, Wu Jianfu said that the reason for the low estimated earthquake intensity is that the warning forecast scales are 6.2 and 6.8 respectively, which are lower than the subsequent official forecast of 7.2, resulting in the low estimated earthquake intensity in some areas.

Wu Jianfu pointed out that since there are relatively few seismic stations in the eastern sea area, there will be a gap in prediction, and the seismological center will continue to review and improve.

According to statistics from the Earthquake Forecasting Center of the Meteorological Administration, as of 12:00 noon, 58 aftershocks have occurred, including 2 with a magnitude of 6 or above, namely a magnitude of 6.5 at 8:11 a.m. and a magnitude of 6.2 at 10:14 a.m.; another one with a magnitude of 5 to Between 6 and 9 times.

The Earthquake Center stated that the epicenter of this earthquake is the subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate, which is also an area prone to earthquakes. It is currently judged that this earthquake should be the main shock. Due to the rapid energy accumulation in this area, we need to pay attention to the scale in the next 3 or 4 days. Aftershocks above 6.5 to 7.0.

As for whether it will adjust the intensity of the mainshock magnitude 7.2, the earthquake center said this part is still under discussion, and currently the focus is on controlling aftershocks.

(Editor-in-Chief: Zhuang Qianyu)

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2024-04-03 04:18:45
#Hualien #earthquake #magnitude #aftershocks #noon #aftershocks #magnitude

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