Home » today » World » 60 Congratulations Isra Mi’raj 1442 H, Thursday 11 March 2021 in Indonesian, English, & Pictures

60 Congratulations Isra Mi’raj 1442 H, Thursday 11 March 2021 in Indonesian, English, & Pictures

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – A group of 60 congratulations commemorating Isra Miraj 27 Rajab 1442 H which falls on Thursday (11/3/2021) tomorrow.

Muslims will again commemorate an important event, namely Isra Miraj 1442 H.

This year, Isra Miraj which is commemorated every 27 Rajab falls on Thursday (11/3/2021) tomorrow.

Isra Miraj is the journey of Prophet Muhammad SAW by the command of Allah SWT which was taken in the night.

Isra is the Prophet Muhammad’s journey from the Grand Mosque in Mecca to the Aqsa Mosque in Yerussalem.

Also read: How to Commemorate Isra Miraj 1442 H which falls on March 11, Accompanied by Congratulations Isra Miraj

Also read: Practices Ahead of Isra Miraj 1442 H and Congratulations to Isra Miraj who Fall on March 11, 2021

While Miraj is the journey of the Prophet Muhammad from earth to the 7th heaven continued to Sidratul Muntaha.

Sidaratul Muntaha is the end of the journey to receive the command of Allah SWT.

Muslims are encouraged to perform a number of practices to commemorate Isra Miraj.

One of them is by praying for fellow believers and relatives while congratulating them on the celebration Isra Miraj.

Tribunnews.com has compiled a list of commemorative congratulations Isra Miraj in Indonesian, English, and pictures.

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