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6 months at the bottom of a lake, this iPhone 11 works!

The iPhone can officially resist 30 minutes at 2 meters deep.

It is the IP68 certification that gives it this possibility. In fact, it seems that the iPhone is even more resistant, even if it still had consequences following its sleep at the bottom of a lake.

It is indeed the story of a diver whose passion is to dive to the bottom of lakes to find lost objects. Among these, an iPhone 11 was one of his finds. What was his surprise when, after a period of cleaning and drying, he was able to turn it on and find that it was still working!

So obviously, at the level of the speakers and the microphone, the iPhone does not do without irreversible damage. But for the rest, it is perfectly functional.

IPhone survives 6 months at the bottom of a lake

This lake is located in western Canada in British Columbia. Clayton and Heather Helkenberg therefore visited the bottom of Lake Harrison to bring back, among other things, this iPhone 11.

They removed the SIM card from the iPhone to put it in a working smartphone and thus find the owner of the iPhone. Mission successful, which allowed them to know that this iPhone had been lost in the lake for 6 months following a boat trip and an unfortunate clumsiness. She was therefore able to recover her iPhone and even access her data, including all the photos she had taken with the iPhone 11.

The couple of divers made a video to tell this unusual story and which proves to us that everything is true! It’s pretty amazing when you think about it. We know that the iPhone is of an excellent design but from there to imagine such resistance …

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However, avoid reproducing these conditions on your iPhone or performing stress tests in full immersion. You could have unpleasant surprises, especially since this iPhone 11 was protected by a shell.


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