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6 Money-Saving Tips for a Frugal Autumn

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The holidays are over and for some people it’s time to tighten their belts again after a family vacation or a summer of luxury. BW24 gives tips for a favorable autumn without sacrifices.

Stuttgart – Winter used to be all about deprivation and waiting for spring. Fortunately, those times are over. You need to know that saving is never a bad thing Baden-Württemberg probably not to tell anyone. With the following tricks you can save your wallet in the cold season – without making any sacrifices.

1. Local apples and grapes

Autumn is approaching and that means for the many Swabian Wenger farmers and fruit farmers they are reaping the fruits of their hard work. Due to the large selection, prices are falling and it tastes better than ever to support your own region and eat healthy at the same time. So it’s best Lidl, Kaufland etc. and go to the farm or the weekly market!

2. Now to the hardware store

If you still have a few construction projects open this year or are already thinking about next season, you can save a lot of money starting in October. The prices for hedge trimmers, spades and trowels fall by up to 20 percent – ideal for replacing old tools or adding to your own equipment.

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3. Buy Christmas presents early

Every year, the run-up to Christmas means one thing above all for many people: stress. The Christmas tree needs to be bought, a visit to relatives needs to be organized – and you should also feel the Christmas spirit. In addition, there are the gifts for loved ones, which create a particularly hectic atmosphere before the big celebration. To ensure that everything is different this year, you have to be on time. This also means you can save a lot of money – especially on large gifts such as laptops or televisions. From November onwards, prices will rise by up to 30 percent.

4. Reduce heating costs

Soon it will be that time again: the skirt and shorts disappear into a box in the attic and the cozy wool sweaters celebrate their comeback in the wardrobe. The latter can be used to reduce costs in the cold season by not turning the heating up to full capacity. In general, proper heating can save a lot of money, if you take a few things into account. Anyone who heats with oil and whose fill level is not sufficient over the winter should reorder as soon as possible. With the start of the heating season at the end of September, prices rise sharply.

With the right tricks you can save a lot of money in the fall. © IMAGO/Piero Nigro

5. Shower instead of bathing

After a hot summer day, there is little more refreshing than a cold shower. If you stick to this habit even on cool days, water and electricity consumption can be significantly reduced – even if you long for a hot bath. It doesn’t even have to be cold water, because warm showers also save money compared to people who take a bath regularly.

6. Book your ski holiday in good time

Even if a ski holiday and saving probably don’t go hand in hand, the costs can be reduced by booking in good time. Skiing is particularly cheap in the run-up to Christmas, so it’s important to be punctual and plan your winter holiday as soon as possible.

2023-09-17 19:59:27
#tips #autumn

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