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6 healthy snacks to slow down aging

A nutritionally balanced diet helps you age healthily.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – While food doesn’t have the power to stop the aging process, your overall diet can certainly play a role in speeding it up or slowing it down. For example, a balanced diet rich in fiber, lean protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants can help you age healthily and reduce the chances of heart disease, dementia, and other age-related conditions.

Reported by Eat this On Friday (9/23/2022), however, a diet consisting of excessive added sugars, processed foods and saturated fats can contribute to aging process faster and the likelihood of age-related diseases is greater.

Here you are healthy snack to slow down aging.

1. Hummus and vegetables

A simple dish of hummus and veggies is a super quick and easy snack that’s also healthy and packed with beneficial nutrients. This snack provides healthy fats and antioxidants, both of which contribute to brain health, with healthy fats known to make the brain function more efficiently.

All vegetables can provide unique antioxidants and vitamins, but some are known to be the best slow down aging are dark leafy greens, peppers and broccoli.

2. Raspberries

If you are looking for a sweet snack that does not contain added sugar, fruits such as raspberries can be an excellent choice.

Raspberries are rich in antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce the signs of aging by fighting free radicals in the body, and are also rich in vitamin C, which has also been shown to delay skin aging and can help reduce the appearance. wrinkles on the skin.

3. Hard-boiled eggs

The body has more than 600 muscles in the body, so keeping it healthy with what you eat alone is essential for healthy aging because healthy muscles ensure that it can keep moving the body in such a way as to reduce the risk of disease, weakness and increase. of weight .

Therefore, it is very important to consume lean protein and get enough protein with each meal. For a healthy, protein-rich snack that will fill you up, hard-boiled eggs are an excellent choice. This snack meets the definition of lean protein because it is low in saturated fat, no trans fat, and a large amount of protein.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt is creamy, delicious, high in protein and low in sugar. Good for gut health and can also help improve skin health. Especially probiotics can do this by helping to reduce inflammation throughout the body, which can help slow the onset of aging.

5. Nuts

Legumes such as black beans, chickpeas and lentils are rich in vegetable protein and fiber, which can be beneficial to health at any age. These foods may also have bone health benefits.

6. Protein bar

Protein bars are a healthy snack for many reasons, such as helping to build lean muscle mass and helping with your weight loss goals. Not only that, protein can also boost collagen levels, which can help make skin firmer and less prone to wrinkles.

If you need a protein intake and want to opt for a protein bar, there are many low-sugar, high-fiber options out there. Pick one that doesn’t add too much sugar or you’ll miss the point, as the added sugar can speed up the aging process.

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