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6 Drinks That Can Clean Your Lungs

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Lungs is an important part of the human body. As a respiratory organ, the lungs work to exchange oxygen from the air with carbon dioxide from the blood. Cleanliness of the lungs must always be maintained.


Teknik pembersihan paru-paru akan sangat bermanfaat bagi orang merokok, sering terpapar polusi udara, dan orang yang memiliki kondisi kronis hingga memengaruhi sistem pernapasan. Misalnya kondisi seperti asma, penyakit paru obstruktif kronik, dan cystic fibrosis.

Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia WHO menyebut bahwa paparan polusi udara menyebabkan 4,2 juta kematian di seluruh dunia pertahun.


Meminum minuman sehat dan alami tertentu dapat membantu membersihkan tubuh dari racun. Selain itu, ada pula minuman alami yang dapat membantu membersihkan paru-paru. Berikut ini beberapa minuman yang dapat membersihkan paru-paru:

1. Honey and Warm Water

Warm water is effective in detoxifying the body. When warm water is combined with natural sweeteners such as honey, the drink becomes more powerful in overcoming free radical attacks. Drinking a mixture of warm water with honey is great for helping the lungs fight pollutants. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of honey, which are effective in reducing inflammation.

2. Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the lungs. Reporting from the Medical News Today page, the antioxidants in green tea can protect lung tissue from the harmful effects of inhaling smoke.

A study was conducted on more than 1,000 adults in Korea to prove this. The result, people who drink at least 2 cups of green tea every day have better lung function than those who do not drink at all.

Setting it up is fairly easy. You just brew it with hot water, as much as 2-3 cups of green tea every day. However, preferably in the morning and after dinner.

3. Mulethi Tea

The mulethi is also known as licorice. This tea is useful for treating many winter-related ailments such as colds and coughs. In addition, this tea is also ideal for cleaning the lungs well. If you consume mulethi tea regularly, it tends to reduce the risk of heart disease. The reason, this tea contains elements that can remove fat stored in the arteries.

4. Ginger Turmeric Drink

Turmeric is one of the healthiest elements that can be easily found in the kitchen. Turmeric contains curcumin which is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-toxic. Mixing turmeric with ginger can remove harmful toxins from the body, while protecting organs from the damage of air pollution.

5. Cinnamon Drink

The next drink that can clean the lungs is a drink with a mixture of cinnamon. Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can help reduce inflammation in the lungs, lower blood pressure, and control blood sugar levels. Reporting from Times Now News, a study shows that these anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits are beneficial for people with lung cancer, both before and after treatment.

6. Apple, Beetroot, Carrot Smoothie

These three types of ingredients support complete detoxification for the body. All of them are rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium and other compounds that can help control asthma, a common lung condition during winter. Eating rich smoothies antioxidant This in the morning is a great way to cleanse the lungs of toxins.


Also read: Frequently Exposed to Smoke, These are 10 Lung Cleansing Foods

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