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6 Activities That Unknowingly Can Trigger Blood Sugar Rise

Tribunjogja.comBlood sugar levels often rising suddenly. There are many reasons why blood sugar levels rise.

If you want blood sugar levels stay stable try to avoid the following 6 activities.

Diabetics must manage blood sugar levels to prevent disease complications.

Quoting from NDTV, stress, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and unhealthy sleep cycles can worsen the condition of diabetes.

“Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. While poor lifestyle and eating habits can lead to type II diabetes, a balanced diet and a better lifestyle can play a big role in managing it,” writes Luke Coutinho, Holistic Lifestyle Coach in one of his works.

Overcome Diabetes not only by selectively eating food but also changing lifestyle.

you want sugar content stable blood? Avoid doing the following habits:

1. Sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle, aka inactivity, is often associated with several health problems including weight gain and obesity blood sugar.

An active body is good for managing levels blood sugar and can improve the health of the body.

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