Home » today » News » 50% of the areas have been delineated, the Ukrainian help has been paid 100%-Agro Plovdiv – 2024-05-24 13:56:27

50% of the areas have been delineated, the Ukrainian help has been paid 100%-Agro Plovdiv – 2024-05-24 13:56:27

The Ministry of Agriculture and Meals will proceed to help the Livestock sector with all accessible nationwide and European devices. This was said by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Meals Ivan Kapitanov on the opening of the twelfth Nationwide meeting on the sheep farmers in Bulgaria, which takes place close to the Peter and Paul Monastery within the Veliko Tarnovo area.

Deputy Minister Kapitanov famous that the occasion is without doubt one of the most important and large-scale within the calendar of agricultural exhibitions, and the place the place it’s held reminds of Bulgarian historical past and traditions.

He commented to the media that a couple of days in the past, farmers obtained a complement beneath the “Primary Revenue Assist for Sustainability” (BSP) intervention for Marketing campaign 2023. Funds have been additionally paid to younger farmers.

In reference to the continued Marketing campaign 2024 for direct funds, Deputy Minister Ivan Kapitanov reported that the Ministry of Well being held info conferences within the nation with producers. About 50% of the areas have already been delineated and the marketing campaign is predicted to finish efficiently.

He additionally recalled that final week, in the course of the go to of the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, the query was raised about dropping the help ceiling beneath the Momentary Framework for State Help Measures in Disaster and added that the primary tranche of Ukrainian help to farmers for 2024

Deputy Minister Kapitanov offered awards to elite animals, distinguished within the competitions held in the course of the exhibition. He congratulated the organizers of the exhibition for the wealthy program and wished success to all contributors and company.

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