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50.7 Degree Celsius Temperature Record Breaks in Kangaroo Country


One of the cities in Australia reported extreme temperatures of up to 50.7 degrees Celsius. That temperature equaled the hottest temperature on record in history Australia.

Reported from AFP, Friday (14/1/2022), the extreme temperature occurred in a remote town in Western Australia on Thursday (13/1) local time. The Australian Climate Council warned that such extreme heat could become commonplace in Australia due to global warming.

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology reported that temperatures hit 50.7 degrees Celsius in the seaside town of Onslow. The temperature was said to have never happened in Onslow before.

“New West Australian maximum temperature record and equals national temperature record!” the Australian Bureau of Meteorology said in a statement via Twitter.

“Onslow reached an unprecedented temperature — 50.7 degrees Celsius which is a WA (Western Australia-red) and matched the hottest day on record Australia recorded 62 years ago in Oodnadatta SA (South Australia-ed),” the statement added.

According to the official website of the local Bureau of Meteorology, Australia last recorded a record high temperature of 50.7 degrees Celsius at Oodnadatta Airport, South Australia, on January 2, 1960 ago.

Australian Climate Council research director Dr Martin Rice said the record was ‘part of a long-term warming trend driven by burning coal, oil and gas’. He called the extreme temperatures already had “deadly catastrophic consequences” in Australia.

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