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5 Ways to Treat Boils with Easy-to-Get Natural Ingredients

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Boils on the skin can be painful and uncomfortable. There are a number of ways to treat boil with easily available natural ingredients. Natural ingredient This can be a first aid to deal with boils that appear.

Boils usually develop in areas that experience friction or pressure on the face, armpits, groin, shoulders, and buttocks. Boils begin to form with red bumps filled with pus. Most boils rupture, dry out, and heal within 2 days to 3 weeks after they form.

Here’s how to treat boils with natural ingredients that are easily available:

1. Compress warm water

Compress boils with warm water for 10-15 minutes. Do it 3-4 times a day. This process can speed up the natural drying process.

The warm temperature helps increase the pressure in the infected pore so that it can draw pus and blood to the surface of the skin.

2. Shallots

One way to treat boils is to use red onions. (Photo: CNN Indonesia/ Adhi Wicaksono)-

Cut the onion into thick slices, wrap in gauze. Put it on the boil 30-60 minutes. Do it once or twice a day.

Studies show garlic is rich in antioxidants and antibacterials that can reduce inflammation.

3. Garlic

In addition to onions, garlic can also be used to treat ulcers. How to treat boils with garlic can be done by crushing the onion and then placing it on the boil for 10-30 minutes once or twice.

Quoted from Medical News TodayStudies have found that garlic can speed up wound healing.

4. Turmeric and ginger

This spice can also treat ulcers. Boil the pieces of turmeric and ginger together with a clean cloth in salted water. Compress to the boil 5-10 minutes every day.

5. Salt

Salt can help drain the pus and make the boil dry faster. Quoted from HealthlineHow to treat boils with salt can be done by dissolving salt in warm water. After that compress or apply to the boil every 20 minutes.

That’s how to treat boils with natural ingredients that are easily available. If the boil does not subside after two weeks, see a doctor immediately.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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