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5 Ways to Create a Hard-to-crack Wifi Password

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – WiFi network becomes slow when too many devices are connected. This can happen when your WiFi password is leaked. For that you need to make password WiFi strong enough to not break easily. How to create a strong WiFi password?

Usually, for fear of forgetting, you would use password easy to remember. Like a sequence of numbers, letters, date of birth, pet’s name, or even your last name. Though passwords like this are very easy to crack. Sometimes, even though you know the risks, you do it anyway.

Then, what are the characteristics of a password that is difficult to crack?

1. Create a long password

Quote from cybernews, create a WiFi password using long characters. The longer it is, the less likely it is that the password can be cracked. Hackers may use certain devices to crack your WiFi router password. The longer it is, the harder it is to track.

2. Use mixed characters

If you tend to use only letters or numbers for fear of forgetting, you should change that tendency. In addition to using long characters, also use varied characters. Create a password from a mix of letters, numbers, and codes to make it more secure.

3. Avoid using common pronouns

Maybe you have created a password with a long and varied character. But it’s not safe enough if you’re still using common substitutions or pronouns. For example, replacing letters with numbers, “Password” becomes “$4ND1”. Avoid using common pronouns. Generate random long passwords with varying characters.

4. Do not use letters or numbers in the keyboard path

Wifi passwords with numeric characters or letters on the keyboard path are the easiest passwords to crack. Avoid using such passwords. Passwords with these characters are the passwords that are generally the first to be guessed by hackers. Here are some passwords that are prone to being cracked easily, quoted from the avast.com page: namely 123456, 123456789, qwerty, 111111, password, 12345678, abc123, 1234567, password1, 123123.

5. Change the WiFi password regularly

Quoted from ActionTechin most cases, the equipment vendor or internet service provider will initially configure the router with password safety. However, for maximum security, use a new password after receiving the device. You might even consider changing your password regularly.


Also read: This is how to find out the WiFi password that has been connected to a gadget

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