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5 warning signs that may indicate dementia

Dementia is defined as a syndrome characterized by a decline in memory, thinking, behaviour, and the ability to carry out daily activities.

Dementia includes a group of symptoms associated with the ongoing deterioration of the brain.

Being able to identify early warning signs of this condition can provide the possibility to manage symptoms before it’s too late.

Although there is currently no cure for dementia, an early diagnosis may help you get appropriate treatment to slow the progression of symptoms.

Fortunately, there are five ‘common warning signs’ of this mind-stealing condition which can help ‘ensure an early diagnosis’, according to Alzheimer’s charity UK. According to Russia Today.

Memory loss is one of the most well-known symptoms, but other, more subtle signs can also appear.

Difficulty performing familiar tasks

If you find yourself unable to go about your daily routine and complete simple tasks, from getting dressed in the morning to preparing your lunch, this could be a warning sign of dementia.

The charity explains: “A person with dementia may have difficulty completing tasks that have been familiar to them throughout their life, such as preparing a meal or playing a game.”

Language problems

It’s normal to lose a bunch of ideas from time to time or to be unable to remember a particular word.

However, people with amnesia may begin to forget simple words or begin to replace words in a way that their speech is difficult to understand.

Loss of ability to determine time and place

If you often can’t remember what day it is or why you ventured somewhere, it could be a sign of dementia.

The charity adds: “People with dementia can get lost in the streets they live in, not knowing how they got there or how to get home.”

Poor ability to make a decision

A patient with dementia may experience changes in judgment or decision-making, such as not recognizing a medical problem that needs attention.

A patient may find himself wearing a lot of clothes on a hot day or stop keeping up with personal hygiene.

Thinking problems

The Alzheimer’s Association says that “from time to time, people may have difficulty with tasks that require abstract thinking, such as using a calculator or balancing a checkbook. However, someone with dementia may have significant difficulties with such tasks because they lose understanding of what numbers are and how they are used.” “.

How to reduce the risk of dementia?

While some dementia risk factors such as age and heredity are immutable, others can be easily modified. By following a healthy diet.

Simple lifestyle modifications can also help. Like any healthy diet, the anti-dementia diet focuses on keeping saturated fat, salt and sugar in check, while increasing fiber intake.

Other lifestyle changes that can also benefit your brain include exercising and quitting smoking, according to the National Health Service (NHS).

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