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5 tombs of famous people that you can meet on your next trip around the world

Written in TRENDS the 7/5/2022 · 23:50 hs

Once we begin to enjoy a traveling lifeit is impossible to stop, because each one of the places in the world has its particular attractions and in many cities or towns of the different countries that make up the globe, we can experience new sensations that allow us to better understand each of the ways of life and local customs, making our outings unique moments that make us want continue touring every corner of the earth and its main attractions.

During the trips, we can appreciate the most impressive natural wonders at each pointin addition to tourist attractionsmonuments, buildings, museums and some other elements created by the hand of man, which perfectly complement our journey, as they are the ideal mix between the places that nature has inherited us, fused with the human ingenuity and creativitywho have learned to copy these designs, to improve the quality of life for all of us and our environment.

We travel to enjoy life and this philosophy leads us to enter adventures that often go beyond visiting common places, because as nomads, we know well that new experiences give us learning that cannot be acquired in any book, but by feel in own carme, each one of the experiences that prepares us that new place. That is why, on this occasion, we are going to go around the world, to discover the graves of some famous peoplefigures that have transcended in the history of the arts, whom you can visit in your next trip.

1. Grave of Elvis Presley, King of Rock

If you want to know the place where the king of rockyou can take a trip to USAbecause after his death in August 1977, the body of the singer was taken to the cemetery Forest Hill, in the city of Memphins. However, an attempted robbery caused his remains to be transferred to the graceland mansion, where the artist resided in his last 20 years of life. This space is open to the general public, so that fans and followers of the artist can learn about the lifestyle of this celebrity and his commemorative tomb and is visited by approximately 650,000 people each year.

2. Michael Jackson’s grave

the departure of Michael Jackson in 2009left a great void among his followers, because no one expected that this news would be presented so soon, submerging the world in shock, since he had a musical legacy that is followed by millions of people around the planet, something impressive, since his fans continue to pay tribute to him year after year. If you are a fan of King of Pop, you can visit his remains in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park, in Los Angeles, in the state of California, in a mausoleum that stands out for its noble materials, made of marble, gold and silver, which raised the cost of this space to rest in peace, at a cost of up to $900,000.

3. Bruce Lee’s grave

the famous actor Bruce Lee, He is a very prominent figure for his skills in martial arts, which led him to obtain international fame. This character passed away at the young age of 32, but it is still an icon for lovers of the seventh art. If you want to know the grave of this celebrity, you can visit the cemetery of Lakeview de Capitol Hill, in the state of Seattlein the United States, where he rests in peace with his son Brandon Lee, who also died at a premature age, being shot by accident, while shooting one of the scenes of the film The Crown o El Cuervo.

This character passed away at the young age of 32/Photo: itymg

4. Jim Morrison’s Tomb

rock band leader The Doors, is buried in the cemetery Père Lachaise, in Paris, along with some other important figures in music such as Edith Piaf, painters like Mark Ernst and the writer Oscar Wilde. The grave of this rock star is a one of the most visited in this cemetery, because many of his fans come here from different parts of the world, to pay tribute to this important character in the music scene, more than half a century after his death. This cemetery is a very charming place and an unusual way to get to know the corners of Paris.

5. Walt Disney’s grave

There are many conspiracy theories about the fake cryogenization of this character’s head. However, all of these statements are false So the remains of Walter Elias Disney, rest in the graveyard Forest Lawn Memorial Park, in the same place where the remains of the famous pop singer are found Michael Jackson. The remains of the filmmaker were cremated and preserved in this space of eternal rest, but the confusions about the freezing could have arisen from some statements that were made in a statement given by the director of the extinct California Cryogenic Society, So he assured that Walt wanted to be frozen after his death.

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