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5 steps for effective GPEC in business – AnalogicTech

The professional management of jobs and skills (GPEC) is an important strategic tool for companies. Indeed, it consists of anticipating the skills needs of companies in the short, medium and long term to better manage the jobs and careers of workers. Also, the GPEC makes it possible to predict changes in the labor market, the consequences on the professions and the skills required.

In the rest of this article, we will see in detail the different stages of professional management of jobs and skills.

GPEC stage Objective Used tools Responsible
Job and skills analysis Identify the skills needed for each position Job analysis, individual interviews, skills framework Service RH, managers
Definition of skills needs Identify the gaps between the skills available and the skills required to achieve business objectives Analysis of training needs, employee surveys, performance evaluation Service RH, managers
Planning of training actions Plan the training actions needed to fill the skills gaps identified Training plan, provisional budget Service RH, managers
Implementation of GPEC Set up training actions and systems for the professional management of jobs and skills Employee training, career management, internal mobility Service RH, managers
GPEC assessment Evaluate the effectiveness of the GPEC and adjust if necessary Performance indicators, individual evaluations, satisfaction surveys Service RH, managers

Step 1: Job and skills analysis

At first glance, the GPEC consists of analyzing the jobs and skills present within a company. Indeed, this analysis makes it possible to take stock of the skills available, the jobs performed and also the needs of a company in terms of skills. In addition, it is also a question of identifying the critical skills for the company and prioritizing them according to their level of importance.

Step 2: Definition of skills needs

This step focuses on defining short, medium and long-term skills needs. This is a very essential step, because it allows you to predict market and business developments, in order to adapt accordingly. The goal is to determine the skills that the company will need to face future challenges and new issues.

Step 3: Planning training actions

After the first two stages, the GPEC, skills management solution, involves planning training actions to acquire the missing skills. Thus, this step makes it possible to determine the training needs of employees and also to plan the methods of implementing training. It is also a question of determining the costs and methods of financing these training courses.

Step 4: Implementation of professional job and skills management (GPEC)

The fourth step consists in setting up the GPEC where it will be a question of defining the methods of the management of jobs and skills within companies. However, this step involves the implementation of certain criteria such as:

  • skills monitoring and evaluation tools;
  • setting up the career path for employees;
  • the management of professional mobility, etc.

Step 5: Evaluation of the professional management of jobs and skills (GPEC)

Finally, the last step which consists in evaluating the GPEC. Indeed, this evaluation makes it possible to judge the effectiveness of all the actions implemented, to check whether the objectives that have been achieved and to correct any errors and shortcomings.

The evaluation of the GPEC is therefore a continuous process which makes it possible to adapt actions for the management of skills and jobs according to the evolution of the economic and social environment.

What to remember?

In conclusion, remember from these five steps that the professional management of jobs and skills (GPEC) is a continuous and evolving process that requires in-depth reflection and constant analysis of the needs of a company and the skills of employees. Also, the implementation of GPEC can see many advantages for a company and its employees, particularly in terms of performance, skills development and Career Management employees of a company.

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