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5 reasons to wear a Garmin smartwatch while you sleep

Garmin smartwatches are well known for their sports capabilities. But they also count on the possibility of carrying out an advanced sleep control. Especially the Venu 2 and Venu SQ 2 models.

In case you don’t know, there are many changes that take place in our body while we sleep. We can talk about repairing neural connections to renew our tissue cells and restore energy levels.

Since the quality of sleep is closely linked to both physical and mental well-being, it is good to have a complete and detailed idea of ​​how we are sleeping. The aforementioned Garmin Venu 2 and Venu SQ 2 go beyond the usual metrics for assessing bone quality and provide detailed metrics which we outline below.

1. Know rest to change habits

We all know that it is advisable to sleep eight hours a day for our physical and mental well-being, but we don’t always succeed, either because we find it hard to fall asleep or because we go to bed late. Added to this is the lack of knowledge about the quality of our sleep or the time we are immersed in each phase.

This is why it is fantastic to have a device that shows us the details every morning and which, thanks to the long battery life, is also able to record not only physiological parameters during the day, but also at night. This is the case of the Venu 2 and the Venu® SQ 2 which, in addition to offering a score in the morning, upon awakening, how you slept the night before and the time in each of the sleep phases, provide an autonomy of up to 11 hours depending on the model.

2. Know the close relationship between sleep and energy

During sleep, we recharge the energy we need to perform optimally all our daily activities, so it is essential to have restful sleep, which, in turn, will result in a noticeable increase in our energy levels.

To find out what our daily energy resources are, which we accumulate above all by sleeping the night before, we have the Body Battery function on Garmin watches which allows us to know in real time what percentage is available at any given moment.

To calculate this, the watch uses Firstbeat Analytics technology, which takes into account physical activity, stress, heart rate variability (HRV) and sleep, and how each of these factors affects energy levels. On a scale of 1 to 100, the number obtained will indicate what reserves we have at any given moment to face a certain activity or, conversely, whether we should rest to regain strength.

3. Check our heart rate

Having a heart rate monitor is not only to monitor how the heart responds to effort, but also when it is at rest. Therefore, it is important to monitor your sleep activity. For this, both watches have an advanced Garmin Elevate 1 heart rate sensor, which is responsible for monitoring heartbeats several times a second, 24 hours a day.

Thus, specifically, we can control our cardiac response at rest, which usually fluctuates between 60 and 100 beats per minute, with this value being the lower the more active we are and the better our sleep quality is. At the same time, it is aware of possible abnormalities in your resting heart rate, sending an alert if it is too low or too high.

4. Measure blood oxygenation, one of the most important parameters

One of the most important parameters when it comes to monitoring sleep is the measurement of blood oxygen. Both the Venu 2 and the Venu SQ 2 are able to do this, integrating the Pulse Ox2 function, thanks to which they are able to estimate the amount of oxygen traveling through the bloodstream.

While neither are designed for medical purposes, what they can do is measure blood oxygenation while you sleep, giving us insight into how our heart, lungs, and blood work. Of course, anyone who wants to learn more about their condition should seek professional advice to determine whether relevant diagnostic tests are needed. This resource is also essential for calculating the different stages of sleep (Deep, Light and REM).

5. Help in practicing breathing exercises to fall asleep

The number of breaths per minute is another data that needs to be monitored while sleeping. But additionally, to reconcile that, we can turn to these two Garmin smartwatches because they offer guided breathing activities right from the watch, including “Tranquility” to promote sleep.

The five points mentioned, according to Garmin, translate into the feasibility of using technology to obtain a restful sleep that allows us to achieve optimal well-being, both physical and mental, and to face all our daily activities with energy. .

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