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5 natural ways to clean your lungs of pollution and improve breathing health

with levels pollution The air quality has reached bad marks and is choking from the hazesmoke We need some things that can be done to clean the lungs or get rid of toxins naturally and keep your lungs healthy, according to the “Health” website.

How do you clean your lungs from air pollution?

1. Eat foods rich in antioxidants

Inhaling air pollutants can cause inflammation in the airways or lungs, and the most natural way to reduce this inflammation is to include foods rich in antioxidants in your regular diet. These help reduce inflammation. So, consuming green tea, berries, turmeric milk, leafy green vegetables, nuts, etc. will help clean your lungs.

2. Exercise

Indulging in aerobic exercises, breathing exercises or yoga exercises to increase lung capacity can make a difference. These can make the lungs stronger and more able to resist air pollutants. Therefore, try to make time for walking, running or any other exercise at least 4 times a week. .

3. Steam inhalation

Inhaling steam from boiling water helps warm and moisten the internal breathing system. This helps clear mucus and remove pollutants from the airways and lungs.

4. Stop using aromatherapy

Using air fresheners, perfumes, or scented candles in the home is not a great idea because they are not natural scents and consist of certain or other chemicals that can be harmful to our lungs. These chemicals can irritate your lungs and make them more susceptible to infection.

5. Use air purifiers

Air purifiers are not a luxury anymore, especially if you live in a highly polluted area, they have become a necessity. Many types of air purifiers are readily available in the market these days so it is easy to install one at home. You will see half of your breathing problems disappear and your chest congestion will be much less.

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