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“5 Habits to Adopt in Your Routine to Prevent Osteoarthritis: Expert Tips”

Osteoarthritis is a common joint disease that can affect people of any age. This form of joint inflammation affects 1 in 4 people globally, it can be diagnosed in any joint, but it occurs most frequently in the joints of the knees, hips, hands and spine.

Cartilage is a soft and elastic tissue that acts as a buffer between the bones that make up a joint, allowing them to move as flexibly and painlessly as possible. When this cartilage that covers the bones deteriorates, this degeneration is called osteoarthritis, characterized by pain, stiffness and reduced joint mobility.

Although osteoarthritis can be a progressive and debilitating condition, there are some lifestyle changes that can help prevent its occurrence, which we will discuss in the following sections.

Here are 5 habits to adopt in your routine to prevent osteoarthritis

Maintain an active lifestyle – regular physical activity can help maintain joint health and slow down the process of cartilage degeneration. Exercise that puts pressure on the joints, such as jogging and jumping, should still be avoided, but exercises to increase muscle strength, such as lifting weights and yoga, can be beneficial.

Learn stress management techniques – stress is a primary factor that can affect the health of joints by increasing muscle tension and their inflammation. Practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga, can help you manage stress more effectively, but also improve the overall health of your joints.

Try to maintain a suitable weight – excessive weight is one of the factors favoring the appearance of osteoarthritis, due to the additional pressure they put on the joints, which can lead to cartilage damage over time. Maintaining a healthy weight for your age and body shape can reduce stress on your joints and help prevent the development of osteoarthritis.

Maintain a healthy diet – poor diet and poor in minerals and nutrients can affect the health of your joints. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can help protect cartilage from damage. Also, foods that contain omega-3s, such as salmon and flax seeds, can help reduce inflammation. In addition to a balanced diet, you can also include some food supplements in your daily routine, such as Secom MSM, which contains ingredients that contribute to maintaining healthy and mobile joints. This product can be found in all large pharmacy chains, such as helpnet.ro, but before you start taking it, consult your doctor.

Pay attention to your posture – correct posture can help reduce stress on the joints and prevent osteoarthritis in the long term. Learn to sit and walk with a straight back and relaxed shoulders to maintain a correct body and spine position. Although it may seem like such a simple thing, taking into account the fast pace of our daily life, the right posture of the body is something that we don’t pay much attention to.

Osteoarthritis is a painful condition that can affect the quality of life. However, there are some simple measures you can take to reduce the risk of developing this condition, but also to reduce the intensity of the symptoms, if you have already received this diagnosis. With an active lifestyle, with a body weight kept under control and a balanced diet, rich in vitamin D and calcium, you will be sure that you have done everything in your power to prevent the appearance of this joint condition. Finally, if you’ve already been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, it’s important to talk to your doctor about available treatment options, such as anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy.

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2023-05-11 08:10:00
#PRESS #RELEASE #small #lifestyle #prevent #osteoarthritis

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