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5 Dangers of Using WhatsApp Mod, Understand and Be Alert!


The use of WA Mod is illegal and has the potential to be exposed to various risks, including account blocking to data loss. Photo: Reuters

JAKARTA – There are at least five dangers of using WhatsApp Mod (WA Mod) . By understanding this review, at least users can know the risks that may arise from using WA Mod.

Along with its development, WhatsApp has become a popular and widely used chat application. However, apart from that, various WhatsApp Mod variants have started to appear that can be downloaded easily.

With various interesting features that the original version of WA does not have, WhatsApp Mod is quite popular. However, please note that the use of the WA mod is illegal and has the potential to be exposed to various risks, including account blocking to data loss. Launching from it is HarareHere are the dangers of using WhatsApp Mod that you need to watch out for.

1. Risk of Virus and Malware
Indeed, WhatsApp Mod is not an official application issued by the original developer. Therefore, the creator of this WA Mod could insert some kind of malware or other viruses for users.

As a result, your device can be damaged at any time. It’s even worse if the virus infects personal data on the device and makes the files corrupt or can’t be opened.

2. Message security is not guaranteed
In various variants of WhatsApp Mod, the messages you send are not guaranteed to be safe. That is, there is no guarantee that other parties may also be reading your messages or chats with other people.

So, it could be that when you provide important information about yourself or others, the data suddenly leaks or is used by a stranger.

3. Account Blocking
The next danger of using WhatsApp Mod is account blocking. As is known, WA Mod is unofficial or illegal. In this case, WhatsApp itself takes firm action against accounts that are proven to use it.

As a warning, WhatsApp will provide account suspension for several hours. If it continues to be ignored, the duration of the account suspension will be extended until a permanent ban can finally apply.

4. Difficult Application Updates
Unlike the original WA version which can be updated regularly, the WA Mod update takes place on the provider’s site. Therefore, users will find it more difficult to update applications.

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