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5 basic and simple exercises to burn calories at home

Fortunately we no longer have an obligation to stay homebound as in previous weeks and many have taken to the streets to resume their habits of outdoor training or just for a walk after a period of time that has been endless, especially for those who like running or cycling, among other disciplines.

However, there may be many other people who want to wait a bit. to avoid possible crowds in the first days due to time slots and the demarcation of some areas. For all of them, training at home is still a highly recommended option. which also provides numerous physical and psychological benefits. And remember that according to the World Health Organization, 30 minutes a day may be more than enough to ensure our health.

Benefits of physical exercise according to science

  • Reduces the risk of suffering from different cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure.
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes and some types of cancer.
  • Improve bone and functional health, which prevents problems such as sarcopenia or osteorporosis.
  • It improves aspects such as balance, coordination or mobility.
  • Build muscles, improve core strength and fitness.
  • Helps maintain caloric balance and a healthy weight.
  • Strengthens mental health, reduces the risk of depression and helps manage stress.
  • Help to fall asleep, whose poor quality is also a focus of disease.

Workout routine

Once we are clear about the benefits of physical exercise, Sergio Peinado, Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sports, personal trainer and one of the influencers of the moment in the field of fitness, shares a training routine that includes cardio, functional and body weight exercises that will allow us to maintain a weight healthy.

5 basic exercises to burn calories

  • Squats (15 seconds)
  • Jumping Jacks (15 seconds)
  • Lunge back (15 seconds)
  • Knees up (15 seconds)
  • Push-ups (15 seconds)

As recommended by Peinado, the ideal is to do 15 seconds per exercise and rest 10 seconds between each one. Similarly, the expert advises to do a minimum of 3 series resting 5 minutes between each of them, although if you look strong you can complete more. Remember that it is important to look for progression and warm up well before starting physical activity to improve performance during training and also avoid the risk of injury.

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