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4 Ways to Prevent Dengue Fever When the Rainy Season Comes

SahijabDengue fever is a viral infection transmitted by mosquito, which can cause very severe pain such as fever. The risk of dengue fever increases during rainy season, because the water that collects in various places becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Usually the symptoms of dengue fever that are commonly felt are high fever, rash, muscle aches and joint pain. There is a severe form of dengue fever that can cause heavy bleeding, a drop in blood pressure and in some cases death.

Preventing mosquito bites is one of the most effective ways to combat dengue fever. Because the pandemic is not over yet, staying at home can help prevent mosquito bites. But you also need to make sure that your home is mosquito-free.

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Quoted Sahijab from NDTVHere are some tips that you need to follow to fight the risk of dengue fever at home.

1. Clean the breeding grounds

Some of the most common mosquito breeding sites are standing water, empty pots, solid waste, and damp areas. So, get rid of all those puddles and always close the trash can. You need to promote a healthy and clean environment to control the spread.

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