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4 Fruit Stomach Remover, Healthy and Natural: Okezone Lifestyle

STOMACH beer belly often a problem for some people. The reason is, a distended stomach can affect appearance.

Other than that, bloated stomach can also have a negative impact on health, as well as a marker that the body’s metabolism is not good enough.

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Bloated stomach or belly fat can be caused by various things. Among them are an unbalanced diet, minimal protein intake, not enough fiber consumption, and stress.

But there’s no need to worry. There are several ways to deal with a distended stomach. Starting from eating a balanced diet, exercising, to consuming fruits.

Well, these fruits are believed to be able to get rid of a distended stomach, you know! Anything? Check out the list, as summarized from the page Eatthis, Monday (24/5/2021).

1. Bananas

Next there are bananas. This yellow fruit contains potassium and magnesium which encourage a person to sleep. Then, what does this have to do with a distended stomach? There is.

When you are sleep deprived, your body produces more ghrelin, the hunger hormone, which encourages you to eat more the next day. Therefore, bananas can help you lose weight indirectly.

Also read: Avoid these 6 things if you don’t want to have a distended stomach

2. Plum

The fat-destroying fruit in the first place are prunes. This red fruit contains phenolic compounds called flavonoids. This compound has the ability to fight fat. Prunes are also a great source of pectin, a type of fiber that animal studies have found to reduce belly fat and block the number of fat cells.

3. Wine

Then there are the grapes. Although they contain more sugar than most fruits, grapes contain some unexpected flab fighting benefits.

A study at Washington State University found that grapes contain resveratrol, an antioxidant that can convert excess fat and help burn calories, thereby reducing obesity by up to 40 percent.

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4. Call

Next there are apples. If you want to eat this one fruit, eat the skin at once. This is because apple skin contains a compound called ursolic acid which can increase muscle mass and good fats which can destroy belly fat. But before biting into it, make sure to wash the apples first.

Fruits.  (Photo: Tabrez Syed/Unsplash)

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