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32-Year-Old Woman’s Lymphoma Battle: Hair Loss, Chemotherapy, and Survival Story

Staying up late is harmful to the body and increases the risk of cancer! A 32-year-old woman from the Mainland worked hard and stayed up late every day under great pressure. Until she noticed that she had back pain and chest tightness, she sought medical treatment. She was diagnosed with lymphoma, which was a sudden shock to her. But the woman quickly accepted the reality and took the initiative to shave off her long hair. She underwent 6 chemotherapy, 18 radiotherapy and 3 immunotherapy treatments in 2 years. She finally recovered fortunately and said with emotion: “I survived”!

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Cancer-fighting woman “Zhou Baobao is working hard” on mainland social platformslittle red book“Share your life before and after cancer. She revealed through video recording that since she started her business, she has devoted herself to work, often staying up late and being stressed out, and has never had a good rest. On the night of her 32nd birthday, she drank too much and woke up dizzy and nauseated the next day. Two days later, she still felt chest tightness and felt nauseated when she beat her heart, so she sought medical attention.

“Malignant Lymphoma” Detected

“Baby Zhou is working hard” traveled to 3 hospitals. After CT scans and punctures, he was found to have a malignant lymphoma near his heart. He was diagnosed with lymphoma on March 15, 2022. In just 2 weeks from the discovery to the diagnosis, her tumor increased from about 2cm to about 7cm. The doctor told her that it could not be removed surgically and that chemotherapy was necessary, which made her suddenly feel collapsed:

“I wasn’t afraid at the time, nor was I afraid of dying. I felt it was a relief, and I could finally rest… But I was afraid of shaving my head, and I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to bear the pain of chemotherapy.”

Actively fighting cancer for 2 years and recovering

“Baby Zhou is working hard” said that on the third day after she was discharged from the hospital after the first chemotherapy, the side effects were very obvious:

“I feel nauseous and have no energy all over. I can’t even hold chopsticks. My face is swollen and I have ulcers in my mouth. I feel flustered and unable to sleep in the middle of the night…I broke down countless times and wanted to end my life.”

Ten days later, she started losing her hair like crazy again, causing her to collapse again. She had no choice but to bravely choose to shave her head. “The moment I shaved my head, I accepted the fact that I had cancer.” So she quickly adjusted her mentality and actively fought cancer to prepare to “regain a new life.” In 2 years, she underwent 6 rounds of chemotherapy, 18 rounds of radiotherapy and 3 rounds of immunotherapy. So far, everything has recovered as before and she does not need to take any more drugs:

“I’m alive, and my life is more exciting. I hope everyone will take care of their health after seeing my video; fellow patients, please do the same, you will be able to get through this difficult time!”

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Lymphoma: Known as the “silent cancer”

According to information from the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society and Smart Friends, lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. When lymphocytes in the human body undergo malignant changes, they will continue to multiply in the lymph glands to form tumors. Lymphoma can be divided into two main categories: Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Among them, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the eighth cancer killer in Hong Kong, is more common. It can develop from any part of the body and is relatively invisible. It can be found and can be classified into three categories: chronic, malignant and highly malignant lymphoma. Among them, patients with malignant lymphoma and high-grade malignant lymphoma develop very rapidly. If they do not receive appropriate treatment, patients may lose their precious lives within a few months.

Symptoms can easily be confused with other diseases

The symptoms of lymphoma are usually not obvious and can easily be confused with other diseases. The six most common symptoms are as follows:

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If cancer cells have spread to the bone marrow and damaged the hematopoietic system, patients may develop anemia, bruising, infection, etc. However, these symptoms may be similar to those of other diseases and may not be related to lymphoma. Therefore, when the above symptoms persist, patients should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

The medical community still does not fully understand the causes of lymphoma, but recent research reports have shown that the following risk factors increase the chance of developing lymphoma:

  • genetic disease
  • Viral infection (such as HIV infection)
  • radiation
  • chemistry medicine
  • Immune system disorders in the body (such as rheumatoid arthritis, AIDS, and immunosuppressants after organ transplantation)

Zhan Chusheng, a specialist in hematology and hematological oncology, once said in an interview that the average age of onset of lymphoma is 50 years old, and many recent cases are among the 20 to 30-year-old group, which is a very young age group. Although younger patients are easier to cure, chemotherapy may cause damage to the heart and lungs in the long run. On the other hand, for elderly patients over 65 years old, age, physical condition, and even dosage standards are difficult to control, and the chance of radical cure is relatively low.

To prevent the occurrence of lymphoma, you should maintain a regular life, not stay up late, not smoke or drink, exercise moderately, and eat a balanced diet. Especially when physical abnormalities occur, you should seek medical examination as soon as possible for early detection and early treatment.

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Cancer Killer︱Working hard, suffering from lymphoma, unable to endure chemotherapy, hair loss, and wanting to commit suicide, the outcome of the two-year battle against cancer is revealed – Qingbao – Health – Tumor and Cancer – D240229

Cancer Killer︱Working hard, suffering from lymphoma, unable to endure chemotherapy, losing hair, wanting to commit suicide, 32-year-old woman’s two-year battle with cancer revealed – Qingbao – Health – Tumor and Cancer

Staying up late is harmful to the body and increases the risk of cancer! A 32-year-old woman from the Mainland worked hard and stayed up late every day under great pressure. Until she noticed that she had back pain and chest tightness, she sought medical treatment. She was diagnosed with lymphoma, which was a sudden shock to her. But the woman quickly accepted the reality and took the initiative to shave off her long hair. She underwent 6 rounds of chemotherapy in 2 years.

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Tumors and Cancer





Healthy tumors and cancer

Health issues, Internet hot topics, girls’ topics, cancer, lymphoma, nausea, stress, chemotherapy, treatment, immunotherapy, side effects, Xiaohongshu

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Cancer Killer – Working hard to get lymphoma – Unable to endure chemotherapy, she lost her hair and wanted to commit suicide – The outcome of a 32-year-old woman’s two-year battle with cancer is exposed

2024-02-29 04:37:12

#Cancer #KillerWorking #hard #suffering #lymphoma #unable #endure #chemotherapy #losing #hair #wanting #commit #suicide #32yearold #womans #twoyear #battle #cancer #revealed #Qingbao #Health #Tumor #Cancer

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