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3 Planets That Contain Water Apart from Earth, Number 2 is Massive

JAKARTAEarth is the only planet (or moon) known to have air consistent and stable on the surface. Scientists believe some planets or moons in the solar system have significant stores of water beneath the surface.

The reason is that the Earth and a number of planets or moons orbit around the sun in an area called the habitable zone. The temperature within this zone, allows the water to remain consistent for long periods of time. Here are 3 planets that contain water, summarized by SINDOnews from various sources.

1. Enceladus and Europa

Quoted from the oceanservice.noaa.gov page, Endeceladus is the moon for the planet Saturn, while Europa is the moon for the planet Jupiter. Endeceladus and Europa appear to have salty liquid oceans covered in a thick layer of ice on their surfaces.

Scientists have observed plumes of water erupting from Enceladus, and believe that similar clumps can be found on Europa. The presence of these geysers also tells scientists that these moons have a source of energy, perhaps from the force of gravity or radiation, energy that keeps the oceans liquid under the ice and can even support life.

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2. Planet Transit K2-18 b

3 Planets That Contain Water Apart from Earth, Number 2 is Massive

Quoted from the scientificamerican page, the transit planet, dubbed K2-18 b, orbits in the habitable zone. Its position is near enough luminous stars to warm the world and allow water to pool and flow over its surface.

The planet K2-18 b discovered by the Kepler telescope in 2015 is slightly more than twice the size of Earth and nearly nine times as massive. Possibly with a solid core of rock or ice surrounded by a very thick envelope of hydrogen and other gases, including water vapor.

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