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2027 Version of Microsoft Office: The Ultimate Killer App with AI Integration

well, it seems to me that if they add some new function to the pivot table in the new Office, the few users who use Excel for a 100×100 table, who only learned how to format in color, will be motivated to buy a new box. With MS 365, he can say that it’s nice to have the latest, but he still subconsciously suspects that he won’t use it and that he’s overpaying.
But if there is no AI in version 2021, in version 2024 the AI ​​will help him with macros and functions, and in version 2027 he will turn on the microphone, say what he wants and shoo, within a minute he will have a table connected to the API, with functions he didn’t even know existed and with which the student would be worried for a week … he will want the 2027 version no matter what it costs. And that’s the point. But Ai develops very fast, waiting for the next version of MS Office means dying in prehistoric times. And that’s why everyone chooses the 365 subscription … it just seems like a killer app to me.

2024-01-17 20:35:00
#Discussion #Microsoft #launches #premium #chatbot #Copilot #Pro #costs #connected #Office

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