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2024 Horoscope Predictions for 12 Zodiac Signs: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

FinishedLantern Festival, it’s really the end of the New Year.Xiao’an’s Angel Garden Teacher Xiao’an fromconstellationWe will help you sort out the various challenges and opportunities that the 12 zodiac signs will face in 2024. What kind of opportunities will you have this year?


This year is the year when the karma of Aries is reversed, becausesaturnPisces will trigger the detonation of your karma. It is recommended that Aries friends can make many good connections this year and engage in service-type volunteer activities to accumulate more blessings and turn danger into safety. Pluto will continue to affect your career house this year. You still have great ambitions for your career, but it is also easy to have disagreements with senior management and elders. Only by treating yourself with harmony can you leverage your strength in your career and gain the approval of your supervisor. Only by paying attention can you perform at your due level.


This year is still under the influence of Uranus and Taurus. You will still encounter some new challenges in your life. You are also eager for more breakthroughs and changes. You may even want to change your life, or suddenly decide to leave your current job field.Before May this year, we were still subject toJupiterWith the blessing and assistance of Taurus, you will have more different experiences and improvements in life. You can develop a new interest and hobby to increase the fun of life. At the same time, you must make good use of the noble luck brought by Jupiter and Taurus in the first half of this year.


This year you will especially feel the heavy pressure brought by Saturn in Pisces. Saturn will make you suffer from enemies from both sides. You may desire more achievements and performance in your career and want to overcome the existing difficulties, but you will let yourself down due to the overwhelming pressure. Breathless, fortunately, after the end of May this year, as Jupiter enters Gemini, it will bring a new beginning to your life. Pluto will also promote your study and study fortune this year, so you can start trying to plan new study and on-the-job study plans.


Under the influence of Saturn in Pisces this year, you may first encounter problems with lawsuits, there will also be local changes in your career, there is also a chance that your workplace will move, and you will have an increased chance of going on business trips. Pluto activates your house of illness this year, and you may encounter life, death, or death of yourself or those around you. Jupiter will still help you establish many career-related connections before May. As Jupiter moves to Gemini at the end of May, Jupiter will open up your inner wisdom, and this will be a good time to retreat.


You will feel the power of Saturn in Pisces this year, which will trigger deeper insecurities in your heart. These insecurities come from dissatisfaction and helplessness with the status quo, but you are unable to muster the courage to make bigger changes. In terms of work and career, this year is still affected by Uranus, and there will be more changes than stability. Jupiter will start to bring you new opportunities for new connections and partnerships in the second half of the year, and Pluto will start to test your love life this year. You may want to leave the existing monotonous relationship and long to experience a hot relationship.


As Pluto begins to move in January this year, there will be some slight changes in your work and career. This change will be a new expansion for you. You may use new ways to operate your career, and you will also gain colleagues in the workplace. The trust of partners. Jupiter starts at the end of May, which will enhance your social status, and you will get opportunities for salary increases or promotions. Saturn and Pisces will still make you shoulder more baggage and responsibilities in your relationship this year. Learning to let go of excess burdens is an extremely important topic for you this year. Mars will go retrograde in Leo in December, which will bring about some villains who are dissatisfied with you this year, and will hinder you or hold you back in the workplace.


This year you will still continue to feel the physical and mental exhaustion caused by Saturn in Pisces. Although this feeling of exhaustion continues, as Jupiter moves to Gemini at the end of May, it will inspire you to be positive and optimistic and determined to find new ways to overcome it. The problem at hand. As Pluto moves this year, your responsibilities and obligations to your family will be temporarily relieved, and unresolved people and things will also come to an end temporarily. But as Pluto moves to Aquarius, your emotional world will start a new journey again.


Before May this year, you can still grasp the love and marriage brought by Jupiter and Taurus. You are very likely to meet the right person this year and get married. But Saturn in Pisces makes you unable to let go of your existing relationship this year. Even if it is not suitable, you will still stick to it. When Pluto moves to Aquarius in January, it will bring you more responsibilities for family, relatives and friends. You may also have plans to move or encounter the possibility of home decoration and repairs. The four Mercury retrogrades this year will bring you slight financial losses, or disputes over values ​​with partners and colleagues in the workplace.


In the first half of this year, you will continue to be assisted by Jupiter and Taurus, and you will still have good performance and progress at work. It is recommended that you do more professional on-the-job training at work before the end of May. This year, after Pluto moves to Aquarius, it will also begin to help you become more professional and persuasive in communication and expression. You will also have a bright interpersonal report card in online communities, and will be favored and favored by more people. welcome. This year’s Saturn in Pisces will make you feel like you are wearing multiple hats, especially being unable to let go of your care for your family.


This year is affected by Saturn in Pisces. No matter in work or life, you want to focus on learning in a professional field, and a steady and steady learning attitude will allow you to make concrete gains in learning. Jupiter and Taurus will still allow you to have a pleasant emotional relationship before May, but they will not be able to constrain you who long for freedom. Pluto’s movement this year will begin to bring about new changes in your work and money planning. You may have plans to start a business or even expand your new career.


After Pluto officially enters Aquarius in January this year, a large-scale spiritual reorganization will take place. Saturn in Pisces still affects your concerns about self-worth and your current financial situation, but this is the moment when you can restart the stove. When Jupiter moves to Gemini at the end of May, you will have more opportunities to create your own, and new relationships and marriages will also come to you. Uranus will still influence your interaction with your family this year. You are eager to leave your original family, own your own residence and start living alone. There may be a move in your residence this year.


Affected by the movement of Pluto, this year will be a year of karma and karma. Pluto will trigger a series of karma, and blessings and karma will be presented one by one this year. It is recommended that you visit temples more often to cleanse the hustle and bustle in your heart. And doing more good deeds will help accumulate more good fruits and blessings. Jupiter will move to Gemini at the end of May, and you will feel inner peace and happiness. This year is also suitable for investing in land and houses, and there are also opportunities to get married and start a family. The four Mercury retrogrades this year will indirectly affect your balance between career and family.

(The author of this article is Teacher Xiaoan)

◎Original textlook herethe content of this article has been authorized by Wang Good Luck, and any reproduction without permission is prohibited.

☛This is folklore and does not represent the position of this news network. Please do not be overly superstitious.

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