Diocesan Council shows solidarity with “OutInChurch”

Würzburg. In the past week, more than 100 non-heterosexual employees of Catholic institutions in Germany have come out together to stand up for a church without fear. From the President of the Diocesan Council, Dr. Michael Wolf, Chairman, Lucia Stamm, Deputy Chairman and Ralf Sauer, Deputy Chairman, issued the following statement: AdUnit Mobile_Pos2 AdUnit Content_1 … Read more

BlackBerry patents sold

It has been reported that the patent rights of BlackBerry smartphones produced by Canadian technology company RIM have been sold. In the statement made on BlackBerry’s website, it was announced that the patent rights were sold to the US company Catapult IP Innovations Inc for $ 600 million. In the statement of Blackberry, headquartered in … Read more

Cooking Oil Price Rp11,500 Starting Today

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Minister of Commerce Muhammad Lutfi | make sure cooking oil with the Highest Retail Price (HET) of Rp11,500 per liter on sale starting today (1/2). “As of February 1, 2022, we will impose the highest retail price for cooking oil,” Lutfi said at a press conference, Thursday (24/1). HET of Rp11,500 … Read more

The verdict was deadly. But if Boris Johnson survives the next 24 hours, he can still be saved.

BRUSSELS (Aftenposten): The verdict was deadly. But drunkenness and lack of leadership are not enough to trap him. The verdict was deadly, but having Boris Johnson can be saved by the events. Foto: Peter Nicholls, Reuters /NTB 31. jan. 2022 21:32 Last updated just now — – Pardon. A humble and remorseful Boris Johnson lay … Read more