Self-isolation will not be required upon entry from Great Britain, Iceland and the Vatican

Self-isolation will not have to be observed after entering Latvia from Great Britain, Iceland and the Vatican, according to the information provided by the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (SPKC). – – Content will continue after the ad Advertising – The self-isolation threshold in Latvia is currently set at 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. … Read more

Aurel Hermansyah Expresses Positive Pregnancy, Atta Halilintar: Alhamdulillah, My Dream Comes True

PR TASIKMALAYA – YouTuber Atta Halilintar and the wife, Aurel Hermansyah, has announced the good news. Atta Halilintar stated through his latest Instagram post that Aurel Hermansyah now positive middle pregnant. The 26-year-old man uploaded a photo of himself and Aurel Hermansyah which shows the test pack and writes thanksgiving. Also Read: The first day … Read more

New law now allows ex-inmates and parolees to vote in NY – Telemundo New York (47)

Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill granting the right to vote to ex-inmates and parolees. The new law builds on a 2018 executive order that allowed Cuomo to pardon people on parole. Under the text of the bill, Department of Prisons officials are required to provide a voter registration form when the ex-inmate leaves the … Read more