Bread with lard and signature, please. The Slovácko Theater opened the window U Hladového herce – ČT24 – Czech Television

Bread with lard and signature, please.  The Slovácko Theater opened the window U Hladového herce – ČT24 – Czech Television

“The idea arose spontaneously from our frustration that we were completely cut off from the audience. We therefore took advantage of the current situation, which allows us to operate the dispensing window. Thanks to that, we will be able to be with our spectators at least symbolically, “explained the head of the Slovak scene, Lukáš … Read more

“S21 Ultra” … new leaks about the expected Samsung phone

“S21 Ultra” … new leaks about the expected Samsung phone

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" According to what was mentioned by the site "Gadget 360", The account "Ice Universe" The famous site "Twitter" He posted a tweet that revealed some information the phone the new. The information included the specifications of the screen and the main rear camera, in addition to the charging capacity of … Read more

LIZDA will not decide on demanding the resignation of Šuplinskas, giving another time to answer a number of questions – Society and Politics – News

LIZDA will not decide on demanding the resignation of Šuplinskas, giving another time to answer a number of questions – Society and Politics – News

She pointed out that in today’s meeting with ministers and MES officials in the trade union no clear answers have been received to all the issues raised by LIZDA, therefore the trade union will be asked to provide answers by November 23 so that on November 25 LIZDA council – Hearing the opinion of the … Read more

Coronavirus, in France more than 33 thousand infections and 425 deaths: lockdown extended by 2 weeks. Record in the UK: over 33 thousand infections

Coronavirus, in France more than 33 thousand infections and 425 deaths: lockdown extended by 2 weeks.  Record in the UK: over 33 thousand infections

“It would be irresponsible revoke O lighten the measures will now keep the containment rules unchanged for at least the next two weeks ”. The premier Jean Castex announces that in France, which in the last 24 hours has recorded 33,172 new infections and 425 deaths, the lockdown it will continue for another 15 days. … Read more

Avoid pneumonia, do not kiss children when coughing and colds.

Avoid pneumonia, do not kiss children when coughing and colds.

Suspect pneumonia if symptoms persist. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Prof. pediatrician. Soedjatmiko forbids kissing babies and toddlers if they have a cold or cough. The prohibition is designed to protect infants and young children from diseases caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, including lung infection during the current Covid-19 pandemic. “Bacteria, viruses and fungi are everywhere. … Read more

Linda Hakeboom is undergoing IVF treatment: ‘Possibly infertile due to chemo’ | Entertainment

Linda Hakeboom is undergoing IVF treatment: ‘Possibly infertile due to chemo’ |  Entertainment

“No, I don’t have rattling ovaries. The only problem now is that those ovaries may never function again in a few weeks, ”says Hakeboom in her vlog for LINDA. She shares her experiences about the diagnosis of breast cancer through vlogs. “But the stupid thing is, when you are confronted with infertility, you start to … Read more

An investigation describes Alexander Hamilton as a slave owner – Telemundo New York (47)

An investigation describes Alexander Hamilton as a slave owner – Telemundo New York (47)

NEW YORK – A new research article criticizes the popular image of Alexander Hamilton as the abolitionist founding father, citing evidence that he himself was a slave trader and owner. “Alexander Hamilton not only enslaved people, but his involvement in the institution of slavery was essential to his identity, both personally and professionally,” wrote Jessie … Read more