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20 Examples of Questions About the Atmosphere with Complete Answer Keys

20 Examples of Questions About the Atmosphere with Complete Answer Keys – The atmosphere is a layer of suspended gases and solids that stretches across the sky on the earth’s surface.

The atmosphere that surrounds the earth is very important because it keeps us all alive. Humans, all animals and plants living on this planet need an atmosphere to survive.

The atmosphere protects life on Earth by shielding it from incoming ultraviolet (UV) radiation, keeping the planet warm through insulation, and preventing temperature extremes between day and night.

Now in this article we will discuss examples of questions about the atmosphere, so let’s see!

What Is Atmosphere?

The atmosphere is the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth. It helps make life possible by giving us air to breathe;

Protects us from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation that comes from the Sun, traps heat to warm the planet, and prevents extreme temperature differences between day and night.

Every planet in our solar system has an atmosphere, but none has the same ratio of gases or layered structure as Earth’s atmosphere. The atmosphere surrounds the earth and holds the air we breathe.

That means, the atmosphere protects us from outer space, and holds water vapor (clouds), gases, and small particles. In short, the atmosphere is a protective bubble in which we live.

The sun heats the layers of the atmosphere causing convection which drives air movement and weather patterns around the world.

Nitrogen and oxygen are by far the most common gases in Earth’s atmosphere.

Dry air consists of about 78% nitrogen (N 2 ) and about 21% oxygen (O 2 ). The remaining less than 1% of the atmosphere is a mixture of gases, including argon (Ar) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ).

The atmosphere also contains varying amounts of water vapor, averaging about 1%. There are also many small particles, solid or liquid, called aerosols, in the atmosphere.

Aerosols can be made from dust, spores and pollen, salt from sea spray, volcanic ash, smoke and pollutants introduced through human activities.

There is also some dust in Earth’s atmosphere. This dust consists of a mixture of solid and liquid particles, including particles from pollution, volcanic eruptions, and wind-borne soil.

The lower atmosphere is heavier than the upper. 98% of the mass of the atmosphere is contained in the bottom 30 km.

It gradually gets thinner at higher altitudes until it reaches space, where there is no atmosphere.

There is no definite boundary between the atmosphere and outer space, it keeps getting thinner higher and higher, until it merges with outer space.

Example Questions About the Atmosphere

Please note that the earth is not the only planet that has an atmosphere. Every planet and even some natural satellites in our solar system have an atmosphere.

Some planets have active atmospheres with clouds, wind, rain and violent storms. Scientists use light spectroscopy to observe the atmospheres of planets and moons in other solar systems.

To find out more about the atmosphere, you can study some examples of questions about the atmosphere. The following are examples of questions about the atmosphere.

Sample Questions About the Atmosphere Part 1

1. The layer of air that surrounds the earth is called….

A. Atmosfer

B. Hydrosphere

C. Lithosphere

D. Barispher

E. Biosphere

Answer: A

The layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth’s surface is the..

A. Ionosphere

B. Mesosphere

C. Thermosphere

D. Troposphere

E. Stratosphere

Answer: D

3. The most abundant gas composition in the atmosphere….

A. Helium

B. Nitrogen

C. Oxygen

D. Krypton

E. Ozone

Answer: B

4. Ozone can function to filter the sun’s ultraviolet rays, found in the layer…

A. Troposphere

B. Stratosphere

C. Mesosphere

D. Thermosphere

E. Ionosphere

Answer: B

5. Weather events occur in layers…..

A. Stratosphere

B. Troposphere

C. Thermosphere

D. Exosphere

E. Ionosphere

Answer: B

6. The layer of the atmosphere that can reflect electromagnetic waves is..

A. Troposphere

B. Stratosphere

C. Stratopause

D. Exosphere

E. Ionosphere

Answer: E

7. Wind can be measured using a tool …. with units …

A. Psikometer – m/ km

B. Barometer – atm

C. Anemometer – knot

D. Termometer – celsius

E. Hygrometer – mm/ year

Answer: C

8. The average weather condition in a large area and for a relatively long time (30 years) is called…..

A. Climate

B. Wind

C. Air temperature

D. Weather

E. Season

Answer: A

9. City A has a height of 5 meters above sea level and the average air temperature in city A = 28ºc

What is the average temperature of city B which has a height of 215 m above sea level, if every 100 meters rise, the temperature drops 0.6ºc?

A. 26,74 º C

B. 26,84 ºc

C. 27,00ºc

D. 27,74ºc

E. 28.00ºc

Answer: A

10. If 1 m³ of air at 25ºc contains 30 grams of water vapor and at that temperature the air can hold a maximum of 50 grams of water vapor, then the relative humidity of the air is…..

A. 100 %

B. 90 %

C. 80 %

D. 70 %

E. 60 %

Answer: E

Example Questions About the Atmosphere Part 2

11. The layer of air that surrounds the earth is called….

A. Atmosfer

B. Hydrosphere

C. Lithosphere

D. Barispher

E. Biosphere

Answer: A

12. In Indonesia the task of observing the weather is carried out by….

A. Badan meteorology

B. Weather forecasting body

C. Agency for meteorology and geophysics

D. Communications agency

E. Climatology agency

Answer: A

13. The lowest layer of the atmosphere is….

A. Ionosphere

B. Troposphere

C. Thermosphere

D. Stratosphere

E. Dissipasispher

Answer: B

14. The straposphere layer is at a height of….

A. 60 km from sea level

B. 70 km from sea level

C. 10-80 km from sea level

D. 10 – 90 km from sea level

E. 50 – 100 km from sea level

Answer: C

15. Weather events occur in layers…

A. Stratosphere

B. Troposphere

C. Thermosphere

D. Exosphere

E. Ionosphere

Answer: B

16. The ozone layer is found in the layer….

A. Stratosphere

B. Troposphere

C. Thermosphere

D. Exosphere

E. Ionosphere

Answer: A

17. The layer of the atmosphere that can reflect electromagnetic waves is…

A. Troposphere

B. Stratosphere

C. Stratopause

D. Exosphere

E. Ionosphere

Answer: E

18. The layer of the atmosphere that is closest to the surface of the earth is….

A. Ionosphere

B. Mesosphere

C. Thermosphere

D. Troposphere

E. Stratosphere

Answer: C

19. Which includes elements – elements of weather climate is …

A. Clouds

B. Electric current


D. Petir

E. Atom-atom

Answer: C

20. The wind speed measuring device (with unit ) is…

A. Thermometer – celsius

B. Anemometer – knot

C. Barometer – atm

D.Hygrometer – mm/year

E. Psikometer – m / km

Answer: B


Each planet in our solar system has a unique atmospheric structure. Mercury’s atmosphere is very thin and not much different from the vacuum of space.

The gas giant planets in our solar system, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, each have thick, deep atmospheres.

The smaller rocky planets, Earth, Venus, and Mars each have thinner atmospheres, hovering over their solid surfaces. The natural satellites in our solar system usually have thin atmospheres, with the exception of Saturn’s moon Titan.

The atmosphere acts as a giant filter, keeping out harmful radiation from the Sun that causes skin burns and can damage living things.

But it does let in solar heat (warm rays from the Sun), which is necessary for life to survive on Earth.

This is a description of the Example Questions About the Atmosphere that might appear during the exam. Hope it is useful.

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2023-06-04 09:05:49
#examples #questions #atmosphere #complete #answer #keys

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