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11 Plant Cell Structures and Their Functions for Plant Survival!

The structure of a plant cell basically consists of several components surrounded by a cell wall. It can be said that plants themselves have a fairly important role in other life, especially in the continuity of the living environment.

At the same time, the cells in plants are known to regulate all their functions, from forming a plant to processing the growth and development of the plant itself.

Plant Cell Structure

The following is an explanation of the structure of plant cells in the study of biology that you can learn.

1. Cell membrane

The cell membrane, or often called the plasma membrane, is a structure found in almost all living things, from animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, archaea, and protists.

The cell membrane encloses the cytoplasm and nucleus. The cytoplasm is basically the complex part of the cell. The cytoplasm actually contains many molecules such as cola and some other cell organelles.

This allows the plasma membrane to act as a regulator of multiple solutes entering and leaving the cell simultaneously in osmosis.

2. Cell wall

Unlike animal or human cell membranes, plant and fungal cells can have a unique structure called a cell wall. Thanks to the cell wall, plants have a unique structure compared to animal cells.

3. Cytoplasm

The fluid in the cell that is between the nucleus and the plasma membrane is called the cytoplasm. The main components of the cytoplasmic cell structure are the cytosol and various other organelles. This cytosolic component is a liquid from the cytoplasm that surrounds the organelles.

4. Nucleus

The term nucleus can also be called the nucleus of a plant cell. This nucleus is the command center of the cell, which can control the metabolic processes of growth, division, and even protein synthesis.

Chromosomes, or genetic components, are made up of different chromatin strands, often stored in the nucleus or nucleus of the cell.

5. Ribosomes

Ribosomes become part of the next component of the plant cell structure. These ribosomes can be considered as smaller particles than mitochondria. Although ribosomes are small, they are the building blocks of small plant cells.

Until recently, the only tool that could be used to visualize ribosomes in plant cells was the electron microscope.

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6. Endoplasmic Reticulum

After discussing ribosomes, this section also discusses endoplasmic or often abbreviated RE. ER itself can be considered as a cell organelle that functions as a channel in the cytoplasm that connects the cell membrane to the nucleus.

7. Many Golgi

The Golgi apparatus was originally discovered by an Italian histologist and pathologist named Camillo Golgi. In plant cells, the Golgi apparatus is also known as a dictyosome.

The Golgi apparatus can be thought of as a membrane-lined sac whose job it is to prepare proteins for excretion from the cell.

8. Mitochondria

Mitochondria can be seen as cellular organelles with complex structures to produce energy for plants. In other living things, mitochondria can be used as a place of respiration.

Respiration itself is a process of decomposition or catabolism that is used to produce energy or energy for life processes.

9. Lysosomes

The cells that make up the next plant are lysosomes. These lysosomes are the digestive center of the cell, which produce various enzymes. It is also known that lysosomes can break down food particles and recycle spent cellular components.

10. Vacuoles

Vacuoles are cell structures present in mature plants. These cells are fluid-filled and contain dissolved inorganic ions, organic acids, sugars, enzymes, and other secondary metabolite components.

Simply put, the vacuum serves as a repository for toxic waste and other useful products such as water. Vacuoles in plant cells make up 80-90% of the total cell volume.

11. Chloroplasts

The last organelle that only exists in plants is the chloroplast. Chloroplasts can be considered as cell organelles that contain green pigments that capture sunlight to convert into sugar.

This process itself is usually called photosynthesis to produce carbohydrates and oxygen in plants. This plant cell structure has a green or orange color. As in carrot plants, tubers, and flowers.

By knowing the structure of plant cells, it can add to our insight. For those of you who want to know more about the structure of plant cells, you can do it by reading books. Book Complete Biology Reference: Cells & Metabolism You can use it as a reference to study the structure of plant cells, including animals and microbes.

This book contains important concepts about cells and metabolism, so you understand difference between animal cells and plant cellsincluding the cells of other living things.

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