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100 times in 3 years with 600 million won… Chinese’distorted’ teens


In China, more than 20 million cosmetic procedures are performed a year. That’s why the word’plastic surgery’ comes out. As a result, I am still in my teens, but after undergoing surgery over 100 times, I sometimes suffer from side effects.

This is Park Sung-hoon, correspondent in Beijing.


This is Weibo, a Chinese social media.

The woman, who was born in 2006 and introduced as a high school student at Shanghai International School, says she has undergone plastic surgery more than 100 times in three years.

[저우추나 : 제 얼굴 성형수술에 400만위안(약 6억8000만원)이 들었어요. 쌍꺼풀 수술만 10번 했고, 얼굴 지방 흡입도 했고요.]

There is no place under the eyes, nose, and jaw line that has not been operated.

[저우추나 : 사람들은 제 코가 삼각형이라고 하는데 그렇긴 하죠. 좀 날카롭고 약간 들리긴 했어요. 제 얼굴 보면 수억 원 들인 것 같지 않나요.]

Past photos before plastic surgery were also released.

It is said that it was because of the bullying of male students in childhood.

[저우추나 : 당시 열등감이 컸어요. 학교 남학생들이 못생긴 여자애들만 별명을 붙여서 심하게 놀렸거든요.]

As the daughter’s worries about her appearance grew, her parents were forced to agree to the operation.

However, the side effects continued with the repeated surgery.

I started to suffer from symptoms of memory loss with a lot of drugs that I use every time of the surgery.

[저우추나 : 요즘 정신이 혼미하고 자주 쓰러져요. 성형수술 후 마취제 후유증이 다 나오는 것 같아요.]

When I used contact lenses that should not be worn after surgery, my eyesight was greatly deteriorated.

Chinese netizens are pouring out critical reactions, saying that it is “plastic addiction.”

The number of plastic surgery surgeons in China is 20 million annually, the second largest after the United States and Brazil.

(Screen source: Weibo, Taiwan EBC)
(Video graphic: Kim Ji-hye)

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