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100% fruit juices: why not give them to children instead of fruit

In recent years, the consumption of 100% fruit juices has become widespread, also as an alternative to sugary drinks. However, recent research has raised doubts about whether frequent consumption of these juices can promote weight gain.

100% fruit juices are made entirely from the product of squeezing the fruit, without the addition of preservatives, sweeteners or flavorings and in order to use this term you must comply with European Union regulations. This type of juice was created to replace the old fruit juices rich in sugars and preservatives that have filled the aisles of our supermarkets for years. Are these juices really healthy? Do they impact our health and body weight?

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To clarify, a team of researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of scientific studies on the topic. 42 studies were analysed, of which 17 on children and 25 on adults.

The results:

In children: Each additional daily serving of 100% fruit juice was associated with a small increase in BMI (body mass index).

In adults: the results are conflicting and a correlation between the consumption of 100% fruit juices and weight gain is unclear.

Available evidence suggests that frequent consumption of 100% fruit juices may be associated with weight gain, especially in children. This data is very important as many parents offer these juices to their children as a substitute for fruit which is often poorly tolerated by children.

The problem with 100% fruit juices is that they provide many calories in just a few ml of product and therefore have a high caloric density. The child willingly drinks fruit juice which is sweet on the palate but without realizing it takes in many calories, on the contrary an apple or an orange which would be much more satiating.

What the guidelines say

What do the guidelines say regarding fruit juices? The guidelines recommend limiting the consumption of fruit juices to a maximum of one portion per day, for both children and adults. They also recommend choosing fresh fruit which is a healthier and more satiating alternative to fruit juices.

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Take home messages:

  1. Be careful when consuming 100% fruit juices: they can promote weight gain, especially in children. Limit consumption to a maximum of 1 serving per day.
  2. Fresh fruit is better: healthier and more satiating, it contains fiber and important vitamins.
  3. Read the labels: choose 100% fruit juices with no added sugar and check the caloric density.


Aureliano Stingi, doctor of molecular biology, works in the field of precision and longevity oncology

Instagram: Aureliano _Turn off Twitter: @AurelianoStingi

#fruit #juices #give #children #fruit
– 2024-03-31 17:58:41

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