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10 valuable tips for your appearance

Regardless of whether it is a work meeting, a virtual job interview or an evening with friends: Looking good in the video call has become very important due to the corona pandemic. If you take these ten tips to heart, you are guaranteed to convince in the future.

If face-to-face meetings are not possible, we arrange to meet virtually. A survey by the Bitkom already revealed in May 2020.

Accordingly, the corona pandemic ensured that 17 percent of Germans made a video call for the first time. And there is also acceptance for the virtual exchange in all age groups. After all, 27 percent of people over 65 regularly use video calls.

Look good in the video call: With these 10 tips it works

But of course, professional video calls are the main drivers. Accordingly, further investigation of the Bitkom from March 2021 show that every German working person receives an average of eight virtual calls a day.

So it is not surprising that the Access figures at the market leader Zoom increased from 91 million to 2.3 billion between January 2020 and January 2021.

So that you convince in the next professional meeting or at your next digital interview, we present you a total of ten tips with which you are guaranteed to look good in the next video call. They come from the electronics portal Wintotal.

10: Illuminate the face from the front

In your video call, you should ensure that your face is lit from the front if possible. This will avoid unnecessary shadows that could potentially negatively affect your facial expressions.

10: Illuminate the face from the front. (Photo: Unsplash.com / Beci Harmony)

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