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10 natural recipes to eliminate stomach gases

Many people suffer from Stomach gases, This is due to a number of reasons, according to Mayo Clinc.

Causes of flatulence

Medical history

Wrong eating habits
Digestive disorder

There are many other causes such as constipation, peptic ulcers, loss of appetite, anxiety, smoking, water retention, air retention, overeating, indigestion, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopause, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). )

Treatment Flatulence

Flatulence is generally treated with dietary measures, lifestyle modifications, or over-the-counter medications.

The following are the most important methods and home remedies that help you treat flatulence and flatulence, with medicinal herbs

1. Fennel seeds:

Fennel seeds are very effective for digestive problems such as bloating because they help expel wind, diuretic, reduce pain, and have anti-microbial properties. Fennel seeds also help relieve bloating by relieving muscle spasms in the digestive system.


Chew a few fennel seeds after eating any meal.

Add a spoonful of fennel seeds to a cup of hot water, cover and leave for 5 to 10 minutes, then filter and drink it two or three times a day.

2. Mint:

Peppermint contains menthol oil, which has an anti-spasms effect in the smooth muscles of the digestive system, and this helps relieve spasms of the digestive system, bile duct and gallbladder, as it calms flatulence and helps pass food from the stomach quickly to the intestine.


Chew fresh mint leaves to reduce bloating after every meal.

Or put a tablespoon of dried mint into a cup of hot water for 10 minutes, then drink 2-3 cups a day.

3. Ginger:

It contains many active ingredients, including gingerols and pungent compounds called shrimp that help reduce intestinal inflammation and relax intestinal muscles.


Put 5-6 thin slices of ginger in a cup, then pour boiling water over it, cover it and leave it for about 10 minutes, then add honey and a little lemon juice and drink it three times a day.

Or to eat a spoonful of fresh grated ginger before meals, and ginger powder can also be used in cooking.

Adults can eat 0.25-1 gram of dried ginger daily.

4. Chamomile:

Chamomile is another effective option for relieving bloating because it has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasms properties, which help calm the stomach and relieve heartburn.


Pour boiling water into a cup containing a little chamomile, cover it and leave it for 10 minutes.

Add lemon juice or honey to taste, along with chamomile and drink it.

Drink this drink two or three times a day between meals.

5. Caraway:

Caraway has anti-spasmodic, antimicrobial, and carminative properties because it contains the chemicals carvol and carpene that help calm down the smooth muscle tissue in the digestive system and help expel gas to help immediate relief from bloating.

Method: If you suffer from frequent bloating, you should chew a few caraway seeds several times throughout the day. If the taste of the raw caraway seeds is too strong for you, it can be used with some other seeds such as cumin. Alternatively, caraway seed tea can be drunk. Put a teaspoon of dried caraway seeds into a cup of boiling water, cover for 5 minutes, then filter and drink.

6. Pumpkin:

Eating pumpkin is an excellent way to prevent flatulence as well as expel gas, as pumpkin contains a good amount of vitamin A, potassium and fibers that help the digestion process in a good way. Adding just one cup of pumpkin to meals helps the digestive system work properly and reduces gases, as pumpkin can be steamed, baked or grilled.

7. Star anise:

Star anise contains anti-spasmodic properties that can help relax the digestive system, and has carminative properties that help expel the buildup of gases in the digestive system and reduce bloating, and the best way to get the beneficial effects of this herb is to drink anise.

Note: The US Food and Drug Administration warns against giving infants anise tea because it can lead to vomiting, insomnia, and rapid eye movement. Also, pregnant women should not eat anise.

9. Bananas:

Bananas are a good source of fiber that can help reduce bloating and gases associated with constipation, and bananas also contain potassium, a mineral that helps regulate fluid levels in the body and helps treat bloating.

Eating bananas regularly, can eliminate flatulence, as they can be eaten as a snack or added to fruit salads and baked desserts.

10. Warm lemon water:

Drinking warm water is good for health because it helps remove harmful toxins from the body as well as maintains body moisture, and lemons are rich in vitamins B and C, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and proteins and carbohydrates that aid in the digestive process.

Also, the acidic property of lemon stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, which aids food digestion. Mixing warm water with lemon is very beneficial for the digestive system, and drinking warm water with lemon treats bloating, gas and constipation.

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